I had another stuffy nose night. I had bought spare Sudafed nose unstuffer, on the assumption that one bottle of this Sudafed substance would contain the same ingredients as any other. Not so. And this bottle did not work.
I get really irritated if my nostrils are not clear. So, feeling irritable, I added a Vic menthol stick to the mix, which as well as nearly blowing my head off, blew through my nostrils making them itch and run.
That was quite enough.
We had eaten an early brekkie but were out of coffee, so I ground up some unwilling beans. They really wanted to stay whole and produced a different ‘take’ on a cup of coffee.
We fell asleep again. And awoke again and by now the sun had popped out making the day quite warm
H needed a walk after yesterday’s near drowning and I invited T to join us, which he did. This was a good thing because by now the sun was streaming warmth across our little bit of this planet.
We headed for Pangbourne, as did many other dogs with their people, and their children, and their river paraphernalia. We squeaked into the last space in the car park and I quickly realised why it was unoccupied. It was perpendicular to the other spaces tight up against a healthy display of stingers. These happily shared their powers with my legs. And they live on to tell the tale and repeat.

Our walk was lovely. T did not complain and was wheeze free. Well more or less free. We tested various benches and made it to the love in log, where H cuddled up close and personal.
Yesterday she had picked up two walnut sized prickly burrs in her coat. I had tried to get rid of them gently but they kept rolling around and re/attaching themselves. Scissors did the job. Not pretty to look at, isn’t the missing fur.
T was quite patient enjoying the sun, and was not dragging us back due to being bored.
I must now concede to his requests for beer and coffee more regularly. As I may have said previously, nothing has changed, but everything has changed.
So next up was a trip to the Waterfront for a snack – a plate of Nachos in my case – with dips. The Waterfront was busy and now you have to register your car numberplate on a screen. Easy enough, as long as you can remember it.

The river was busy too today.
Back home, I caught up on some of last night’s missing sleep and woke to discover it was 19.50. This came as a bit of a relief because it meant it was not morning which would have meant getting up and getting on with things. Just hope I sleep on tonight.
At times, today, the sun has burnt my back. Or would have done had I allowed it.
update 06.11 – blissful night
Thought for the Day

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