I spent a lot of today, helpfully, glued to the phone. But I had enjoyed a good night’s sleep, so I had enough energy to do all that sitting around.
And T was in good spirits this morning, getting up without complaint.
I dropped him at Daycare and H and I whizzed off to Pangbourne. We did the usual stuff, a bit of walking, some mindful sitting, some pooing, paddling, and treat eating. The clouds were omnipresent as has been their habit for the last forever. But it was not cold.
And then we stumbled home.
Most of the rest of the day was spent dealing with issues on the phone, some thorny, some not so thorny.
There were chats with the Doc, ( helpful, though he was not up to speed, due to having no info, but is up to speed now) Brenda, (helpful+ ) Chris (helpful+) amongst others.
One of the thorny chats provided real thorns. As I stroked our little doggy we found the painthorns in amongst her fluff. Not delicate little burrs but huge fat prickly jobs which did not wish to be separated from their hostess. Generously, it appeared H wanted to cling on to them too, or they to her. It took a pair of scissors in the end.
I collected T from Daycare where a Disco had been going on – dark lights and ? strobe lighting and all. And a queue of (not parents) carers outside for the pick up. I made sure that the centre Manager is also up to speed. And got a big hug. I’m not sure T enjoyed the Disco as he was in break out mood but he has been captured dancing. Yes! Dancing!
I drafted a complex email. And I have been told it was not firm enough! I did a second draft and wait response or someone else can doctor it. I also waited for responses to texts.
T was not really interested in food this evening. But grapes lie in wait for him. And he has been wandering around trying to shoot me with his banana. Boys and their toys!
It has not rained.
But apparently Storm Antoni is scheduled to ruin tomorrow.

Looks like Pen and Co might get a bit damp. We are promised solid rain all day.
Thought for the Day

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