The Day of Reckoning

I did sleep well and managed to get us both up and ready to be picked up by Alex at 09.00. Along with Pen, Evie ( nice to see you Evie) and Fleur.

And in no time at all we were on our way to Oxford where T had an appointment. This tied us down for quite a while. I was relieved that the parking caused is no trouble in the end. After an initial meeting for all of us, Fleur and Evie entertained T for an hour or so.

We reassembled en masse and decided to grab a snack at the B and W who fitted us in at short notice. Pen and Evie needed to be back in Devon for 17.00 and due to possible traffic issues needed to be away by 13.30. The Beetle did us proud.

It is expensive to eat there these days, but it is the same everywhere. It is harder to find a more scenic venue and is convenient: I have recently found it good for T to drop in for a drink on the way to or fro from somewhere. I think we may do that more often now. Also, they do a decent sandwich and fries for around £10.00 which is quite a bargain amongst the pricier stuff.

The weather was not cold but grey and unstable with a breeze and lots of clouds, so we enjoyed ourselves in a pod. And Pen departed and so did we. Eventually. H was very pleased to see us and she did miss out on a walk yesterday. Tomorrow I will make it up to her.

Today has taken the emotions for a bit of a ride. Not swings up and down… just enough to remind me they exist. Which is a good thing, as Gabor Mate also reminds us.

Thought for the day






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