Laughter amongst the wreckage …

I feel our lives resemble scattered wreckage at the moment which must be gathered up and reassembled into something recognisable and positive!
I am sleeping quite well again. I feel for Ali who is trying to work on one of the most valuable and complex deals that she has been involved in. She can do without extra troubles but is spearheading everything.

The morning started early until I got my second dose of sleep. After which H and I went to the Illis for coffee. T had remained behind recovering from the last two days.
As it happened, I brought H back home because Ihad forgotten to pick some Art books up to show Pen. She and Fleur were working together, each to their own, developing ideas and lateral thinking with F’s GCSE in mind. They produced some cool work on torn papers and card. Work that involved a prawn!

T stayed behind when I collected the books.
But a little later, Dave and George left for the recycling plant at Oakley Wood which takes them past our house. There, they stopped off to tell T to get up and returned after doing the recycling to collect him and to rehang the curtains that I took down (I re-hooked and tightened the headings about two months ago. Just was too short to rehang them )
Now the evenings are drawing in again, curtains are quite useful.
And my hard work had paid off / they look much much better. Thank you Dave.
He brought T and H back to the Illis, and then Ali fed the whole family with a tasty Hello Fresh mix of meals.
It was a very restful day and enjoyable for me. T was relaxed in family company for a while. But the moment we were in the car going home, the griping started. I will be charitable and put it down to his feeling tired, because he fell asleep in his armchair.

H must have been very confused by all the toing and froing, and as a reward for her good behaviour I gave her a good brushing.
This provided handfuls of downy fluff and there is plenty more to brush out.

So I learnt a fair bit art wise – thank you Pen… we will be seeing her again later in the week. And thank you to Ali and Dave for your support and hospitality.

By now, rain had set in and there was a sheer greyness and wetness about the afternoon.

Tomorrow I will take Fleur to the exhibition at the Base. G is going to Bournemouth to stay with a mate. Pen has returned home.

We await calls from the hospital now.


There have been strange exchanges of messages in the ILLINGWORTH household!

Below …..

Ali texting to whole family …F is for Fleur; G is for George; Fy is for Freddy the cat; D is for Dave and A is for Alex

Fleur: Freddie has worms hanging out of his bottom

A: texted to everyone: ‘G has got worms.’

G ( in the bath, thinking aloud ) I did not know I had worms

A: Don’t let G in the house because of his worms

G: (getting more puzzled and thinking) ‘That’s a bit harsh!’

A: G will be alright he can stay in the utility room

G: ( still in bath) ‘I don’t really want to stay in the utility room !’

F falls about giggling…

D ????!

She meant Fy had worms …


Me : Burt and Wendy were lying in wait again today

Change of text subject ( to cheese) that was not picked up by Ali.

Me : I left them (cheeses) in the car all night.

Ali : (thinks I’m talking about Burt and Wendy) ??!How? what ?

Me: They were a bit ripe and smelly by this morning.

Ali: ????

Me: It’s alright I put them in the fridge. They will be fine by now…


Have to be able to laugh!

The evening was well gone- a dose of Country File floated past.

Thought for the Day






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