Today was a lovely day. Well as lovely as could be given our circumstances.
It dawned at the usual early time and I did the usual early activities, falling asleep again until quite late. Much of the morning was disappearing . Neither of us felt a sense of urgency, but Pen was visiting from Devon to be part of the family conference. She was arriving later than she had anticipated, but had only arrived home from not Portugal last night.
I wanted to give H a good run around, and investigate the new walk at Lower Basildon, down to the Thames. And T decided not to be left out. I was a bit worried about his wheeziness but it did not interfere, the morning was sunny and warm.
We were able to park by the church and what followed was a sublime and gentle walk tracking a field or two down to the river. Insects were dancing amongst the grasses, the sun was shining and it was warm. One hedgerow was bulging with unripe blackberries – in a week or so we will be feasting. Depending upon who gets there first. Few people were about… it was so peaceful as if we were the first explorers to visit. However mown grasses and one or two bobbing heads belied this impression.
We reached a beach area with a concrete entry point/ slipway, in the middle of absolutely nowhere. A few paddle boarders were not paddle boarding. H spent ages paddling. And on our field walks, she spent a lot of time rolling enjoying the lush grass (as opposed to goose shit or cow pats).

We then went to Ali’s, Pen arrived soon after and we enjoyed chatting and some drinks and some Belgian chocolates which were not from Portugal.
An early meal was booked at the Swan Coppa Club. T ate a huge pile of pasta – no worries about his appetite today. Both girls feel he has lost weight and he looks a bit off colour / grey. He seemed to enjoy our evening and we sent him back from the Swan with Dave and children to the Illis.
This gave Pen, Alex and myself an opportunity to talk and agree a way forward. Much will depend upon outcomes of further discussions and meetings in the early part of next week.
So T has had a good day which is what we want for every day. Family made it special for him.
Thought for the Day
I don’t care where he has gone this year. NUPoW.

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