I’ve had better days…

Today is the day when our lives changed.

We slept quite nicely , waking early and enjoying an early hours lie in.
T decided he would like to join us for a short walk at Pangbourne, but only made it as far as the nearest bench. He has a painful knee and is quite wheezy. I walked on a little way to further benches and then we returned home.
We returned via the church at Lower Basildon, and I think we have found the way to the path that leads to the river there. Someone mentioned this to me the other day. But no time to suss it out on this occasion.

Ali was coming to pick us up to take us out. I was only ready an hour early for her. Twit that I am. So we whiled away this surplus hour until she picked us up and spirited us away to Oxford.

George and Dave have both been poorly with some nasty bug so they remained at home. It was not the best of afternoons. I can think of better ways it could have been spent.

George received a visit from Paul, Dave’s oldest brother who has now left the army ( a Colonel, no less) and was doing a final House hand over in Andover where he was last stationed. He has bestowed on George, all sorts of interesting kit. The Nerf guns that G is holding were all made by G himself using his 3D printer and other parts.

Pen and her family are on the way back from their holiday in Paris and Bruges. Pen will visit us tomorrow.

We passed an hour or so at the Illis – poor Ali had been flat out working all hours of the day and night for the last few days. So she is knackered and has more to do. She did not need a trip to Oxford today!

T enjoyed a tour of the garden sheds, led by Dave! One expensive one is Ali’s garden office/ gym. The other one has been amazingly constructed by Dave, and G has one too! An original one which he painted.

Thought for the Day






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