It was not raining

No, it was not raining at the start of the day, but by the late afternoon, it was pouring. Probably something to do with the fact I watered the plants in the morning.
I had another disappointing night in bed. Just kept waking up.

But I did all the usual early morning things, including a long chat with Ali, and then managed to get T up and delivered to Daycare. Roadworks and diversions are impacting travel times there. But from the choice, one of the diversions offers fantastic views in every direction. And also collision opportunities at a tricky junction.
H and I walked at Pangbourne. We had a ‘first’ – the free car park was full – so I had to fork out £1.20 to pay by the Dolphin.

it was a warm and sunny walk, with plenty of people to observe. And boats too. I chatted to a Tilehurst couple about local walks I did not know about, including a really useful one down to the river at lower Basildon. Apparently, parking can be tricky though, especially in the school holidays.

We returned home, when I watered the plants and laboured my way around the garden with the mower. The grass was unevenly long, thick and rough. Pushing the mower required more effort than I wished to apply, but the job was completed.
By now, all weak and wobbly, I retired myself and the mower to the shed to recover our equilibrium. With an alarm blaring at me, 45 minutes later, I found I had been fast asleep in that same shed in one of our very comfy garden chairs. That was not part of the plan.
Time to meet T.
I blundered my way out. My half-working brain directing me to the car.

We managed to get the bins out and ready for the refuse disposal officers tomorrow. Before I fell asleep again.
That was the story of the day. Snoozes. Because there was another in the evening. That’s what happens if I don’t get enough sleep – catnaps.

The fires are continuing to burn around the Med, although western areas are cooling a little. But the nights are so hot. It’s 02.50 and the internet tells me it’s 32C in Kriti. How do you sleep in that if you have no aircon? I know the relief you find in this country if you enter an air con shop, if the temperature is in the high twenties. But day time temps out there are not in the high twenties, they are around 40C.

Perhaps I will be allowed to go back to sleep now.

Thought for the Day






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