I slept well. Seems to be becoming the norm these days, thank goodness. Outside was dull giving the day a yellowy grey tinge.
There was no hurry to get up. We were due to meet Anthony and Marie at the Base at Greenham at 1.00.
I had none of the nonsense that T showed yesterday morning and he showered without protest. Showering and general hygiene is something that commonly slips withAlzheimers patients.
We headed for Newbury along the A4 (wise decision) and along Bury’s Bank Road to the control Tower and it’s car park. By now the Park Run was long done, but rain was gently falling.
By the time the car was parked, rain was no longer gently falling but was splattering down with great force.
I knew T would not want to walk in this so I dumped him in the control tower cafe with a coffee and an ice cream.
I only walked H as far as was absolutely necessary which was not far, and the soggy doggy and I returned to find T still in the cafe, chatting up some ladies with 3 lovely dogs. One was another Obi – a really soft Dalmatian puppy. The Labrador was a therapy fog and the spaniel was a show dog.

Despite receiving messages from Marie to say they were running late, we left for the Base cafe and Exhibition centre.
Newbury Races and an accident seemed to be mainly responsible for Marie’s delay. But she and Anthony eventually appeared for their own lunch. Anthony will be 89 in a couple of weeks, but like so many, suffers from memory issues.
We chatted and then wandered into the Exhibition. Kurt Jackson – River. It was stunning! And an accompanying video watching him work was equally stunning. I bought a book! To give me ideas.

The sea and the Thames. I found two aspects of his mark making interesting – fine twiggy thickets, and light. The former is lots of random squiggles and curved lines, possibly by brush or card; the latter is often via paint splatters. He also holds and uses pencils and pastels in what seems uncontrolled motions. And his plein-air stuff – well… sand, grit, plastic bottles – you name it, it is there.
We parted company and T and I returned home for an afternoon snooze and to watch some golf.
It has been an odd and not very easy week. But them’s the breaks. To quote Boris.
Thought for the Day

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