Heidi – Six Years on

it’s six years since I went and collected Heidi and Millie ( and Doris). The whole business was quite a nightmare thanks to some erratic organisation at this end. But it is one of the best things we have done in recent years. T , from thinking I was mad to take on another dog, has lost his heart to her completely. She defuses his anger and he remembers to care for her needs every single day. Except when he doesn’t want to go for a walk!

H looking stressed ⬇️

DAY1 ⬆️⬇️ I was up early and it was raining

Pen has quit teaching today. She has been at Sidmouth College for 11 years, the last few as head of Art. They are off to the oven that is Portugal in a couple of days. Have a good time, Roberts family!

Sometimes, I just wish things would run smoothly. I wish there were a few less slings and arrows. There are things I miss that don’t make life easy. Changes that happen that leave you sad and wishful. A bigger picture reduces in size until you are left with no picture at all.

I had a good night. Sleep is proving more consistent at the moment. T had a quiet night and did not have an explosive coughing fit this morning. That’s a first for a couple of weeks.

I was nagged by the girls to get him reviewed by a doctor. You ring the surgery, and if the patient care navigator decides your situation is urgent enough, you get put on the telephone triage list. I was first offered 26/7 for an appointment, and then 24/7. Both of which I politely turned down. Then I got asked if it was an emergency and tried to explain it was not, but it could not wait 5 days.

Today’s patient navigator was not the brightest of light bulbs, I hope she gets better at her job. These are new roles created by some bright spark for the NHS.

Next I got told to ring an ambulance on the grounds I had said he was struggling to breathe. This was not what I had said, merely, that recently he had experienced breathless and wheezy moments.

Anyway – what it led to was the event that T / we were seen by a GP, and all the important things like BP were great. But T’s wheeziness was picked up as a possible infection and is being treated accordingly. And an X-ray has been recommended. We can go back to dear old Newbury Community Hospital for that. Or anywhere really. But I can park easily in Newbury and I know where X Ray is.

Following all those shenanigans we drove home to collect H to find a fire engine in hot pursuit. Not one, but two of them who parked up in Underhill. And then, after some investigation of something unknown, they turned round and went away.

H got a walk at Pangbourne and T made it to the bench where we sat around in warm sunshine watching a group of 4 teenagers play in the river. Such fun!
I then took T to Pierreponts where we enjoyed a couple of sandwiches and some drinks, whilst watching the world go by. And H was busy issuing warnings to every other passing dog.

It has been a warm and dry day which included a sleep after visiting Pierreponts.

And a sleep in the evening. There might be no sleep left for tonight.

Thought for the Day






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