Well done Penny – Graduation Day!
I had another really good night’s sleep, waking briefly at 05.00 and then drifting off again.
T remained asleep throughout the morning whilst I went off to perform various errands in Wallingford. But not until after I had performed the usual early tasks.
I also screenshot a whole load of certificates and documents to do with the French property. But an email from Margaret Byng detailed the difficulties they had with the tax authorities to do with selling their French property. But I think that was more to do with the profit they made and finding proof of what they spent on it. Profit? What profit?
In Wallingford, I collected a delivery from the Old Sweet Shop, shoes. At last. The Old Sweet shop was full of jars, of every sort of boiled and pastille sweets imaginable, combined in every which way. Just like the olden days. And the alleyway where it was situated was full of interesting shops. None of them High Street chains.
I then carried out a tour of Waitrose buying up a swathe of their fruit and veg section. Including a barrow load of grapes.
T is still wracked by coughing fits… I’ll give it tomorrow and then maybe look at a doc appointment.
But I got him out of bed and showered in time for Debs’ visit. She tended our feet nicely. T was all over the place with muddle and lack of urgency and his own distraction tactics.
He also received another lovely present of goodies from Pen who was at her MA. Graduation ceremony.
Well done Pen!
Can you work out from whom she received her degree? And gold medal!

With lovely massaged feet, we set off with H for Oangbourne . His wheeziness prevented T from walking far and he sat in a bench enjoying the sun whilst divesting himself of excess woolies. H was not that energetic ignoring the large flock of geese.
We returned home via the B and W and a 00 beer and sparkling water. It was very soothing, as always, sitting by the limpid, dark-green Thames.
I had an interesting conversation with Tracey this morning as a follow up to Burt moaning about the party chaos. Apparently he told Tracey that we had had to shout at kids who were climbing over our fence. That is News to me! I do object to him lying about us and what we have done. Or not done. I gave her the truth.
Poor old Brenda is still not great. I will pop over and see her on Thursday. Thursday is becoming a busy day – we will go to the B and W at 5.30pm for a meal and to watch Swan Upping which is scheduled there at 6.00pm. In between Brenda and Swan Upping, we may also have to attend a tea party.

No snooze today . T is slowly falling apart. I’ve suffered a fairly infuriating day.
We / I watched some episodes of The Sixth Commandment which is based on a rather riveting true story . Apparently parts of the story are too awful to be included in the drama. Highly rated by the Guardian. The starring psychopath was tried at Oxford Crown Court in 2019, to receive a 36 year prison term. That’s an old stomping ground.
Chris Packham has been acknowledged by the Guardian as Attenborough’s natural successor. He’s become very good.
Well it’s a fresh start tomorrow…
Thought for the Day

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