Happy Birthday Tony

77 years old today.

I had a goodnight and awoke early and gave out brekkie and then fell fast asleep again.

Pen had sent T a birthday card (and she spoke to him on the phone) which was here, but he had to wait until later in the day for other surprises. I got him to daycare and then walked H.

The day was mostly dry, sunny-cloudy and warm enough. Parts of Castle Meadows were bathed in sunshine. Other parts were not. I needed to go shopping for presents so bought H home and headed for the Emporium at Aldermaston. There I filled a basket with all sorts of unhealthy treats which he can squirrel away and munch as he pleases.

Once I had retrieved T from Daycare, we went straight to the Turkish barber. There was a bit of a wait. I find the procedures and treatments quite interesting. One chap was having his whole head shaved but he had a thick beard which was being tidied up. Various shampoo creams and lotions and towels were applied as well as massages.

Daycare had provided T with chocolate cake as well as the traditional birthday song.

After a little rest at home, we took ourselves to Ali’s where Fleur had wrapped a generous selection of presents for him. Ali baked delicious home made pizzas in their Ooni pizza oven and Dave did a grand job as a waiter. The children had prepared a party corner. And as for his rainbow cake… carefully prepared by M and S.

My Blue Badge application is not bearing fruit thanks to T not having contact with anyone who has the potential to become an expert assessor. The whole process leaves me feeling sick and angry. Last shred of hope is to make contact with them by phone.

The school holidays are almost upon us- next term, Fleur will be a deputy head student, or similar title. I think it means she is a deputy head of lower school. Up to GCSE. We are very proud of her. George has also had an excellent report.

Frankie is getting ready to depart for University in the Autumn. She has her accommodation booked in a hall of residence in the Olympic Park. Evie will surely miss her as she works her way through her A Level studies.

Thought for the Day

77 years young !






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