Well … it started wet, got wetter and then very much wetter. And even wetter still. Tomorrow looks as bad.
I slept alright until about 03.00 and then a bit fitfully. T was coughing a lot and slow to get going, but he was delivered to Daycare.
I headed for Newbury with H in tow. We had agreed to meet at the Potting Shed but it was a big disappointment. It is a small venu with stodgy and only meat-rich food on offer. The farm shop lacked anything promised – no fruit or veg or even a cake in sight.

And the rain was tipping down and they had no indoor seating, it was utterly dismal. The seating under cover tried to look cheery with red check gingham cloths. But the grey day swamped any cheer. So I ambushed Val and Brenda before they exited the car, and we headed for the rather more boring Hilliers Garden Centre.
Before arriving at the Potting Shed, I had walked H at Snelsmore Common. I have not been there since we moved house and memories of sunny days spent there were quickly drowned out. We got quite damp. My raincoat saw daylight for the first time in several weeks.
We found Marie and Anthony were at Hilliers so they joined us briefly. Lunch was good and involved a decent catch up with Val after her tour across Europe.

I had to return to pick up T… and spoke to the GP at 16.00. He was quite helpful and suggested contacting Amber Saunders the chief dementia adviser re the Blue Badge. We also briefly discussed T’s health and recent moodiness. His sertraline dose has been increased and will be reviewed in a couple of weeks. I had telephoned Amber Saunders earlier in the week but had had no response.
I received a very welcome message from Ali to say she had cooked a lot of lasagne and had made us a bowl full. In addition, George had made apple turnovers which were also gratefully received. Just the food for a horrid, wet, gloomy evening.
T treated the apple turnover as his starter but it all went down very well.
A quiet week-end beckons. Or did beckon.
At 20.00, our next door neighbour, Tracey, popped by to say her youngsters were holding an end of term party. And she hoped we would not be too disturbed. Not so far, but we know they are there!
In fact the ‘party’ caused us no problem though H was quite curious. I’ve no idea what time it finished. I felt for them because the weather was so disgusting and they had had to buy a special shelter to keep the attendees dry. Tracey commented that she and Andy would be confined to the kitchen and bedroom. And as for their four dogs… Well they are the best behaved dogs ever. I think they must have been gagged.
Thought for the Day

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