At my wits end over the Blue Badge and ridiculous demands from ignoramuses.
I’m beginning to feel trapped by people asking me questions that I don’t know the answer to and don’t know where I can find the answers either. Idiots. Try walking in my shoes.
How on earth can you get reports from someone on a list of approved specialists when your husband sees no such people. Bonkers. It seems the acceptable three for his condition are: psychiatrist ( last seen 2017 because you get directed to psychiatric nurses if you are lucky) ; occupational therapist – never seen – or social worker. No thanks to the last.
I don’t really have much else to say – apart from the fact it was, otherwise, a nice day. Jan arrived with her husband and delivered her beautiful crocheted blankets. We had a coffee together here, and then they went off to Basildon Park.
I delivered and picked up T. He is not in a good mood today.And that is about it. I walked H early.
Oh … I have started to watch Traitors, Australia. It’s good.
Thought for the Day
Best kept to myself / reserved for Oxford Blue Badge Team
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