
I had a good sleep, once I settled, despite the night being sticky and warm. The morning looked pretty grim and it wasn’t long before the heavens opened.

Before they did, however, I had sneaked out with the hose, keeping an eye on the dodgy connection and gave the plants at the back a bit of a drenching.

T has just left them shoved out of sight which is quite upsetting.
T has not had a good day today. He spent a lot of it in bed and has been grumpy since he has been out of it. He keeps closing all the doors and windows keeps getting angry when I say that it’s too hot to be without fresh air. He has now taken himself off to his study. His mood was better in the evening.

H and I went to Pangbourne where we wandered past the benches and sat and did a bit of mindfulness on some. H was very cute and very loving on her special log. It continues to be the only raised piece of seating she uses. The river was busy but the meadows were not. Probably something to do with the rain that had fallen.

Anne is visiting tomorrow and Jan D and her husband are dropping in on Monday so I bought sweet offerings on the way home.

I made some pastry because I decided I would make a quiche later. But first, I attacked the grass with the mower, the grass, which had largely dried out after the early rain. It needs another dose of weed and feed before I sow the special dog-wee-resistant grass seed. This mowing was hard, sweaty work. At least it’s done until around 5 days time.

The quiche was eventually made and tasted delicious. T has refused to eat all offerings today. Perhaps he will feel more jolly tomorrow. On days like today, I think he falls into a worry trap and gets into a very introspective mood. He won’t share his feelings. Never has. But doesn’t receive / share my worries either. Never did.

I had a long chat with Noel Edmonds this evening about our French house…

Thought for the Day






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