Today my plan was to mow the grass and water the plants. A bay tree at the front is looking distinctly unhappy. Desiccated and withered.
My new hose is annoying me because it appears that a plastic bit of the hand spray has dropped out. I’ve only used it once and it was fine then. So my mind is full of suspicion.
It now sprays at random. Including at me. Not what I had in mind. I will try and hunt down the missing bit. Holding it in a certain way provides temporary alleviation of the problem.
It was forecast to be, and has been a very hot day. I had intended to mow the grass and dead head and tend to various plants. It didn’t take much to persuade me of better things to do.
So when Ali suggested that I meet Helen and herself at the Swan, I felt more than happy not to mow the grass.
Having dropped T off,I parked the car at Streatley Rec at around 9.50 and H and I wandered towards the Swan cafe.
It was busy and it was necessary to move right by the river in order to have shade and seating. The areas near to the bar had already been taken over.

So we sat and chatted for well over an hour. It was lovely to see Helen again, Ali was quite busy on the phone, dealing with pressing matters at her office even though it is her day off. So we had a decent catch up. Helen and Ali will have to negotiate the nasty road closure. The sensible alternative is the school bus route via Blewbury and the A34.
I returned to find the washing machine had not washed the sheets etc so hanging them up to dry wasn’t an option. Resetting the machine was the alternative. And that worked…And they were hung up and they did dry.
By now, it was extremely hot so remaining inside was the best option. H thought she would hang out on the shed patio, in full sun, but lasted about ten seconds. Wimbledon burbled I’m in the background as the brave British entries received the usual kicking. The Beeb hypes the poor buggers up and then has to wind the hype down.
I put Not Going Out on to stream for T and he gurgled his way through a few episodes. Sandwiches for supper . I was too hot to even contemplate using more heat to cook anything.
I fell asleep which meant I was quite lively as I climbed into bed. So I contented myself with another I am… on C4. Vicky Mclure was Nicola. An interesting take on coercive control.
It has been a warm night and is now early Saturday. I took control of the naughty hose and watered the plants at the back which I did not do yesterday.
I found T making himself a carefully laid out snack of chocolate digestives, carefully cut apple and orange.

Dancing to a visitor was singing and playing guitar.
Thought for the day.

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