Well it started alright because I slept well, awaking around the usual 05.00 and doing all the usual stuff.
T found it hard getting up this morning but we made it to Daycare in time.
From there it was to the post office to track down my missing shoes. But it was just not my day because the post office have reduced their opening hours due to staff shortages. They would open at 10.00.
So H and I went for a wander at Cholsey Rec, but the fact it is not my day ambushed me again in the form of a heavy shower.
Next not my day … I was surprised to find a car coming towards me in the face of a red light on the Moulsford railway bridge. It was very green for me and those behind me. I flapped an arm out of my window to indicate the driver’s misdemeanor, which he /she obviously realised, or his / her back seat driver did. I know this because of the guilty thank you I received as a hand waved all across the windscreen.
In the meantime, I had returned to the post office who produced my parcel which I took home and lovingly unwrapped.
Definitely not my day, because the style of shoe I ordered was not the same as the shoes inside the box. Exasperation was overwhelming me by now. I suppose this seller thinks: ‘Oh we don’t have the correct black trainers she ordered so we will send her some white stilettos instead.’
I couldn’t find a return label ( there wasn’t one) so decided to distract myself by doing something soothing. Instead of fuming.
That became decanting some of last October’s olive oil into a bottle for Ali and Dave. Then I took it there along with some money I owed.
By email I received a garbled explanation from the seller re the shoes and that I must have picked the wrong style. Well I know what I ordered, but I think maybe their labelling was wrong.
What I ordered ⬇️

What I received ⬆️
I watched a little TV from Scotland where our own HRH was being inducted as King of Scotland. There was some wonderful music (not all whining bagpipes) including Farewell to Stromness which is one of my favourites. A violin version. Which I missed, because they omitted to play it. And something intriguing – Loch Katrine’s Lady (a boat) played by a young Scottish Conservatoire graduate on the accordion. If you like soothing music …
Remember 2.4 children? Pre 2000. Well it’s on iPlayer. T loves it. It is a good belly laugh programme. No mobile phones, no portable landline phones, no remote controls- I watched her physically switch off the TV.
Sad news, hot off the press ????????A very kind lady who managed the Village Cafe has died. She looked after T for me when I was at the hairdresser a couple of times. She was so kind – a true northerner – from St Helens. Nothing was too much trouble.
Thought for the Day

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