Wimbledon begins

Always useful background viewing / noise.

I did not sleep well last night, so busied myself watching the very moving and very horrifying Evacuation on C4. There are 3 episodes altogether. I have watched two. This is supposedly the true story of that the evacuation of Afghanistan was like nearly two years ago, whilst Raab lounged around under the Cretan sun.
It is told through the eyes of serving military and of civilians trying to escape to the safety of the UK. There are some heartbreaking stories and film.
We, over here, did not know the half of it.

The day dawned cloudy, but improved, then clouded over and became very windy. I just managed to retrieve our washing as a shower started up.

T was dropped at Daycare and H and I walked at Castle Meadows. The clouds were already gathering which was one reason we dashed home.
I had loads of chores requiring my attention- the kitchen was a mess, the plants all needed watering with yet another new hose, which required assembly. This one has a splitter so it will take two hoses. Not that we need two.

Alex came over to vacuum Minnie’s hair but I had already done it. So we had a chat and a cup of tea. And then it was time to collect T.
There was a bit of a car clog up at the Day Centre. Everybody seemed to have arrived at the same time. What parking there is, is sufficient for about five cars but even then it’s on double yellow lines.

I decided we needed to visit Cook in Didcot so we headed that way, to be met by a road closure. Ie THE road to Didcot was closed. The diversion took us on a very pleasant, rather long tour of South Oxfordshire’s byways and highways.
We purchased some treats and then returned directly to Moulsford avoiding the diversion. Only to be ambushed by Moulsford school parents queueing up along the main road through the village. That they can get away with holding through traffic to ransome displeases me.

And then it was home …

I produced a Cook meal for the evening and T ate his. I give him a very small portion which seems to work. Even though it is only Monday, the large collection of fruit that I bought at the weekend seems to have disappeared. Fruit is healthy so it’s fine, but I would like to find the odd apple still available. A new plan is required…

I don’t mind Wimbledon, but I resent its total take over of BBC1 and various iPlayer channels. Also this afternoon iPlayer on BBC1 was not cooperating for Wimbledon – it kept buffering and then reverting to a blank screen. But when it was time for the News at 18.00, proper working was restored. BBC1 was also fine on the phone. Technology works in a mysterious way.

My flower pots have been shifted yet again so the plants are not visible.

I was ready for bed at 21.00. T followed soon after.

Thought for the Day






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