Accidentally deleted

Accidentally deleted what I typed this time. Idiot!

It’s another day. Luckily I was able to sleep chunks of it off.
Must be catching / caught it off T.

Got up early enough but just felt tired. Waited for the filling station to open to buy some bread at 07.00, but found myself actually waking up after 08.00. And I bought more grapes.

H and Minnie gave me the eye when I returned, so instead of making myself and T a nice hot drink and toast, I swept the pair of them off to Pangbourne. The sun was already feeling warm so the additional prod was that it might get really warm later. But it didn’t.

They ran around and Greedy H spotted crumby treasures around a group of very pleasant and furriner young men who had enjoyed a night in the open. One was quite apologetic that amongst the scattered crumbs, there were bones. We only do great big beefy bones so I was not best pleased , as H’s teeth crunched their way through her delectable find. Minnie was more discerning.

Since H’s personal telescope had led her almost back to the car in pursuit of the left overs, we shortened our wander and returned home.

I managed to spend much of the day dozing, which is what I do rarely.
I made the worst ever evening meal of the most disgusting mashed potato ever. And a stir fry which was nearly as bad. How you can ruin mashed potato is a mystery but I managed it.

T remained in bed most of the day but added to its wreckage by putting the plants out of sight again. He rejected the mashed potato (before I knew it tasted like ditch-marinaded cotton wool) and seems to have helped himself to the fresh grape supply and finished the bananas.

Dave came and collected Minnie. And that was that.

Apart from watching episode 1 of C4 Evacuation. It’s highly recommended. The Evacuation of Afghanistan- what really happened. Told by those who were there.

Thought for the Day

probably used it on my mashed potato






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