
After yesterday’s shenanigans in Oxford, I awoke stiff, tired and achey. I had been quite late to sleep due to sorting out my disappeared blog, which took a while.
I lurched out of bed via the shower and took H for another short walk at Streatley Rec. It was grey, humid and oppressive. H barely bothered to get herself round the Rec, which is unlike her. Perhaps she recognised it was one of those days…

I managed to get T into his new Labyrinth T shirt. And he was delivered to Daycare.

As for me, I took myself to South Stoke for our final Art session. Thinking about the Art I have done over the last two years, I have learnt quite a lot from Ollie and the South Stoke group because they all have strengths, different ones. But I was the new kid on the block, they have all worked together for a while now. And although some were really friendly, there was a bit of an inner clique. And they were all younger.
The Abingdon classes – well I learned masses from them, but attendance at South Stoke has made me realise that I have moved on from their familiar and repetitive structure. Marguerite was great admin and Helen was a useful teacher. The attendees were often my sort of age and more open. But I probably won’t get much out of a return unless I turn what they do on its head.

So, something fresh is probably required. I have ideas.

One thing I might try is a larger scale picture. I might look at what the Base at Greenham has to offer. Having looked, there is good variety on offer including life drawing and some portrait work. Some evening classes too. The day classes start at 10.00 which would be tricky if it is a daycare day. Impossible really.

I made it back home for an hour or so before collecting T. I put this time to good use gathering up cardboard and packaging from the various sites where T has squirrelled it away and I stuffed it into our green bin. I emptied the kitchen bins and the food bin and put all their contents in the correct outdoor wheelie / food bin.
Then the green bin was dragged to the pavement.

We arrived back from Cholsey and I asked T to bring the brown (garden waste) wheelie bin to the front and put it by the green bin.
(Here we go again) A simple task you might think. Not simple at all … he appeared with the black bin and got sent back again for the brown one. I had to watch him to make sure he did not empty the bagged black waste into the lawn clippings. He then examined the contents of the green bin(remember the contents were mostly from his study, put there for ‘future use’). But I got away with it! Yippee! It’s cardboard boxes he said. Yippee! I thought. He left them where they were.

We relaxed and I fell fast asleep. I knew I would and felt I needed it though the aches and pains of the early morning had largely receded.

I wish my eyes would stop itching- that combined with nasal congestion suggests I may have encountered hay fever for the first time ever! AKA – allergic rhinitis

I fell asleep again later on the sofa and had no trouble falling asleep where I should/ in bed! Making up for lost sleeps I guess.

I think the earthquake has been erased. I will check again. If so, this sadly suggests that T is now well into his childhood.

Thought for the Day






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