Utter waste of time.

On two counts I have wasted my time. The second one being the mysterious disappearance of the blog I spent ages typing earlier …The first count being our Oxford trip.

Well I won’t be taking T to any special museum treats any more. What a waste of time and money. I really thought a trip to the Ashmolean special Minoan Labyrinth exhibition would interest T. It did not. 

I was awake quite early, nagged by the problems to do with sorting out the French demands. The 30th June is closing in. BUT I had the solution – write them a letter.

Sillyme / they did not want a letter because there was no address on the letter they sent me. Only online opportunities, at which I had already failed miserably.
Time is running out so I hand wrote a letter and found the Alençon impôts address on previous correspondence because that’s where previous correspondence used to go. And my letter has gone there with a hefty £2.20 stamp on it. The more reliable alternative was offered at £47.00!!

The trip to the Ashmolean was not a success . We used Park and Ride from Redbridge to get there, of which T had absolutely no recollection, despite it once being part of his daily routine. Nor did he recognise the Crown Court and was much more interested in the Police Sation almost opposite.
We disembarked from the bus also almost opposite something – the Ashmolean. Both of us felt the need for coffee and a snack.

The super duper roof top restaurant was out of bounds and fully booked. The subterranean cafe was the pits. Too many customers and not enough staff. Slow service meant at least some tables were vacated by the time we needed a spot to sit down. But trays of dirty plates and cutlery and left overs were piled up and scattered so there was no spare table space. It was disgusting. And if you had a disability … no chance. How can people reliant in walking sticks carry a tray?

Eventually a few staff appeared to clear the debris, and my quiche and salads actually tasted good and T enjoyed his flatbreads and coffee whilst whinging for a beer.
We found lifts to get us up to the Labyrinth exhibition. (Sting sing your heart out – Songs from a Labyrinth)).

T was disinterested from the moment we entered. He wanted a coffee. It was boring. He wanted to leave. Well I got that one wrong. He never used to be like that – in fact he used to spend hours examining museum artefacts and exhibits. I’m not even sure Knossos meant anything to him.
Where in his life story is he living at the moment?

Which brings me to Agios Nikolaos and the earthquake… ( One of his endlessly repeated stories) has that also finally gone?

Thinking about it, it was dark in there so he probably could not see much and he can’t read notices anyway. I should have paid more attention to potential difficulties. I thought it all rather lovely.

We tried for another cup of coffee before leaving the museum, and clambered up to the super duper roof top restaurant . It was largely empty but they still turned us away.
I’m very unimpressed with hospitality at the Ashmolean.
I deemed it unwise to suggest further time looking at the free exhibits – they will not run away.
We had no idea where to find the Park and Ride bus to take us back to Redbridge but help informed us that the stop was actually in George Street. We had a little while to wait during which time a fretful T battered my ears, wanting coffee, to know where we were going and why each bus that passed was not the right one.

We made it back to the car park and home. I noted the presence of a lot of electric charging parking slots including at least 8 dedicated to Tesla cars.

I found T had shut H in our bedroom without access to water which was annoying. Not the least because I had stopped him from shutting the kitchen door for this same watery reason. I need eyes in the back of my head.

I needed to attack my painting of the Sense of Burghclere Common (near Jonathan Hill.) It is our last Art session tomorrow.

I thought T might go and have a lie down, but no such luck. He wandered aimlessly around, and eventually took it upon himself to untidy all our plant pots (yet again) into a tight grouping where they could not be seen from anywhere in the house.

I’m afraid I let rip. I had had enough pain for one day. This activity of his really really annoys me. I was silly enough to enquire what was the thinking behind placing the plants where they could not be seen from inside the house. He had no comprehension at all of what I was asking. These pots are heavy for me to mmove back

Currently my Jonathan Hill pic looks like this:

Still work to do.

Pen has still not let us to see inside their new house… Too many, boxes she says and possibly not enough storage.

When asked if she had thought about downsizing, she admitted no. Even confessing to having out of date food. I suggested she approach her little sis who is a bit of an expert.

Thought for the Day

I loved this – back in the day…around 2006 – Top Song -Come Again

Top song ‘Come Again ‘

Sting learnt to play the lute, after he was given for a birthday.






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