I had a very nice sleep and flexed and had an early brekkie. And I carried out some internet research and brain games etc and fell fast asleep again until nearly 10.00!!! One plan that went wrong.
That endangered H’s walk because it was 25C by now. So I nagged T and mowed the grass instead. Mowing the grass was hot, sticky and drippy work, so shower number 2 followed.
We were about 5 minutes late setting off for Saddleback Farm to meet Marie, her husband A thing (Alzheimer’s) and her brother Sam (quite autistic aged 71) . Typo: her husband is not A thing. He is Anthony so that is two of them. I could smell the trouble.
Leaving late did not help, but the closed road (unforewarned) and it’s associated diversion via Chievely was enough to make my heated body boil over. Late became very late. But Marie and Co were patient as we drove through the tangled lanes of West Berks and South Oxon. Another plan that went wrong.
We kept the cafe staff amused, if no one else. Saddleback has wonderful views but the cafe does not always have listed items. But they did have the most wonderful home-made humus and flat bread and salad which shut me up.
We ordered our drinks and food and settled under the marquee to relax and chat. Little H was with us because we intended to walk her later. She is such a good girl.
The lunch was devoured and then transformed into pure hilarity! At one point, as is his wont, T wanted another coffee, we already owed the cafe for one and then Anthony decided to have one too. So that made three coffees and a jug of hot water. Forget why that was needed.
So… Marie wrote the order on a serviette and handed it to Anthony to take to the till. T held the money. Anthony asked why he was holding a serviette. T asked why he was holding the money. Marie explained to Anthony about the order on the serviette. Then reminded him he needed to stand up. Anthony said he could not read the order.
He needed his glasses. Sam was told he was going to be in charge. T said he wanted another coffee. Then he asked why he was holding a £20 note. He was reminded. Anthony was still sitting down. So was asked to stand up.
Marie found his spectacles in her copious handbag. Anthony sat down again. T asked what the £20.00 was for. Sam just looked thoughtful. Anthony read the coffee order out loud. And stood up. T said he wanted a coffee. Then asked again what the £20.00 was for. Anthony asked why he had the serviette with writing on.
Sam took them into the cafe. They all reappeared empty handed a few minutes later, except for T. I asked T if he had paid. And he just said he had some money and showed me the change which he held in his hands.
The coffee appeared too a few minutes later.
Then Anthony wanted an ice-cream. So it was back to square one – 3 men buy 3 ice creams – substitute ice cream for coffee.
On the journey home at nearly 16.00, it was 27C. Still too hot to walk H. She thankfully fled to the garden upon our return. To my beautifully manicured pock-marked grass.
We sat around a bit more. And then I cooked some supper, which T ate. And then said he enjoyed it.
By early evening it was pouring with rain which we admired. No storm just a heavy rain shower. Saves a trip out with the hose.
Thought for the Day

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