Non Stop

Stonehenge was busy at Sunrise this morning to celebrate the summer solstice. I was not up as early as all the people there. And there were a lot. It coincides with the start of Glastonbury.

A good sleep was had, but awake at 05.00. Flexing and then out with H around 06.00. It was another beautiful morning with a clear blue sky at the start of the day, though it clouded over later in the morning before clearing up again.
it was a pleasant cool temperature, but H just wandered along until she spied a careless bird which crossed her path.
Plenty of birds in full song today at Streatley Rec.

T more or less got his act together bar his glasses. I found them in his bedside drawer. And we were off!

He was delivered and I arrived at the barn for a pleasant session. I more or less finished ‘Spirit of Greece!’ And started Spirit of Burghclere Common. I had decided to be bolder in my use of colour and not aim for accurate portrayal, but make more use of mood and atmosphere. But this will require time and understanding

New beginning – Burghclere Common. ⬆️⬆️

I’m using the artist Chris Forsey for inspiration. He works in acrylics, watercolor and pastel, mixing his media.
I must make it clear that some of the course attendees are very good artists. Well-heeled artists. Rich. Very rich. As you must be to have two sons at Eton.
Not my natural social group. Despite having a brother who went to Harrow. Our family never wore our wealth on our sleeve. More the lack of it. As we pitched up at Lords for the Eton/ Harrow cricket match in our Morris Minor and parked it between two Rollers.
These had the silver laid out on white damask cloths disguising picnic tables. Etc

We sat on the grass with our modest hamper. I don’t know why we were there. My brother did Maths, not cricket.

I quite enjoyed the Art session and I’ve ordered some Liquitex acrylics off Amazon. Despite sitting on my backside for most of the morning, I felt quite tired when I arrived home, and was looking forward to an hour or so before I went to collect T.

More mislaid plans. Peter Illi was on the phone before my sit down started. This because I had suggested we meet up before they go home tomorrow. So the time was set for 4.00pm here. I had hoped it would be there at Ali’s.

Before anyone visited, I needed to get the Hoover out to separate the carpet from Minnie’s fur coat which was hanging around after I returned her on Monday.
And then it was off to buy tea biscuits from Tesco Express. And tuna and potatoes and tomatoes and a cucumber. And I eventually reacquired T to add to my collection.

We had tea and biscuits with P and F. It was very good to see them again and have a batter. Or even a natter. And that was more or less it for the day.

Tony tells me he did not have lunch out today and certainly did not play balloon volleyball! ⬇️⬇️

Thought for the Day






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