A reasonable night was passed…
I did not rush to get up because I had decided that we would take H out with us when we departed later, and wherever we walked, she would too.
In fact, the whole matter was decided for me by the arrival of a storm with some flashes and bangs and an enormously heavy downpour of rain. This has caused most of the stones from up Cow Lane to turn the dragons’ teeth section of road, as you arrive in Moulsford from the Streatley direction, into a scree slope. It will not be a good idea to apply brakes sharply there until the stones have been shifted.
Worse for those concerned, was flooding at the Swan in Streatley. When renovations were taking place, the owners wisely organised anti flood measures on the lower terraces, probably never considering they would be inundated by water streaming round the corner from Streatley Hill. There was a lot of water in their indoor lounges and dining areas.

Mopped up
Whilst all this was going on, various early chores or admin items cropped up which required my attention, along with trying to get T up.
He was in a fairly grumpy mood. His grasp of certain vocabulary is slipping. I had noticed it in the context of identifying rooms a while ago, and shorts yesterday, but today he did not understand what a T shirt was, nor what a sweater was, going so far as to ‘remind’ me I was talking rubbish.
His mood in the car as we drove to Newbury, was not much better but was gradually ameliorated by my putting Classic FM on the radio which soothed his ruffled feelings. He also could not grasp where we were going, why or who was involved. I can deal with the lack of understanding, it’s the repetition that is tricky.
In fact we got as far as Streatley Rec where I gave H a quick leg stretch and poo and pee opportunity, and at that point, I very nearly took him home again.
Our journey to Newbury via Hermitage was trouble free. And we arrived a bit early for Brenda. We were taking her to visit Michael in his care home in Bramley. The journey was straightforward.
She was very naughty trying to give us £30 for lunch. But I struck a bargain where I accepted £20.00 explaining I wouldn’t be able to offer again because I did not expect to be paid.
T was quite hangry by now so we went to the Vyne where I fed him in the cafe and his mood brightened. The Vyne is another of those ancient houses in the hands of the National Trust, with extensive grounds. Something to do with the Chute family and Jane Austen. I need to carry out more thorough research.
We explored bits of the garden but there is way more to study. But it wasn’t too hot, cloudy with a breeze and the site was quite quiet. A good day to be there.

I found my way back to the care home to pick up Brenda, who had had a good visit with Michael, given that he doesn’t speak or move, or have facial expression.
We returned home and the day drifted out of reach.
Thought for the Day

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