it was another 05.00 awakening, followed by flexing when I forgot to stop the workout after around 20 mins and credited myself with 48 mins.
The spirit was not willing this morning, and it was cooler so the dogs got their walk after I dropped T off at Daycare.
T was not in a hurry and it took some effort on my part to get him out and about.
The dogs and I explored Castle Meadows and its methane machines who were hiding amongst the long grasses. Neither dog showed an interest in them but Miss Nosey Parker was put on the lead just in case.

Predictably Minnie found the stream and emerged, soaking and then had a good roll in the long grasses.
It was around 11.00 when we arrived home and I had chores to do before I took Minnie back to the Illis. I did not cut the grass. And I did not exercise the Miele. But I did sort out the dish washer.
I also searched around for yesterday’s pile of clean washing which contained quite a high percentage of my knicker supply and my red and white striped dress, now with the addition of acrylic paint. Blue acrylic paint, so it’s not even a subtle addition. Paint which managed to avoid the apron I was wearing. But the pile of washing is nowhere to be found. I’ve hunted in the obvious and less obvious places. It’s like the long handled dustpan and brush – in a Bermuda Triangle of possessions at 14 Underhill.
Once household chores were complete, I turned my attention to finding the additional medical information that the Oxfordshire Blue Badge jobsworth is asking for. Based on hidden disabilities. I don’t really want to have to try and find some medical professional who might be a good enough creative writer to waste a lot of time looking through the medical letters I have, to write a further report about a patient they have never seen. As on the expert assessor form. It took the poop GP two weeks to put a signature iomthe Council Tax Form.
I added additional information to clarify reasons for applying for a blue badge. Notably that he can’t find his way from A to B and having a car visibly parked might just help. Amongst other things.
All this was very tedious. I would have thought the fact the Government has awarded us the Attendance Allowance speaks for itself – they are hardly likely to award £100 per week to someone who does not have serious problems.
Ali rang early this morning after a manic weekend in Leeds and Nottingham. In Nottingham they were reunited with Lena and Timur who are both doing very well. Lena was speaking fast English and Timur is developing ‘kids’ pronunciation habits – eg no ts in bottle. (AKA glottal stop) Apparently Alex was also impressed by his handling of mature vocabulary atypical of a native 7 year old. I’m very happy for them.
Some of her Ukrainian friends have returned to, or visited Ukraine but not with marked success. It seems that life is miserable out there, with time spent underground avoiding missiles. Apparently Oleg and her parents are happy that she and Timur are safe and his childhood is not being scarred by Mr Putin and his fiends. Apart from having to grow up without his family around him. Oleg still cannot leave the country. They have been here for over a year now.
I returned Minnie around 14.00, hoping to see Peter and Freda but they were both out. And it was nearly time to collect T.
Tomorrow we are travelling to Newbury to Bramley to take Brenda to see Michael in his care home. She is still trying to avoid driving due to extreme knee pain. We will take H for a late walk whilst she is visiting.
The weather forecast continues warm but unfriendly.
I cooked fish for tea, on a pile of veg. I don’t think the fish was fresh enough. unexciting.
Thought for the Day

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