Lazy Day

I have been very lazy after early activity. We slept well, undisturbed by the presence of a well- behaved extra dog.
I was awake at the usual 05.00 and worked my way towards being sufficiently awake to get us out and about. I was partly concerned that the temperatures might be similarly high as yesterday’s and I also wanted to test Minnie’s health.
The sky was not entirely cloudless and it was around 16C which felt very pleasant.
We drove to Pangbourne where the meadows were entirely deserted bar 3 fishermen. And a load of litter scattered in various places across the meadow

The litter is upsetting. If ‘people’ can be bothered to drag crates of beer and food out to the benches etc, why just leave it behind? Why should they pollute the environment? Why should other people have to clear up after them?
I did briefly consider gathering some up, but I had no bags, the bottles were too heavy, and I would have needed gloves or a picker. I kept an eye on the dogs lest they scavenge. But even they did not find it interesting. Despite the pic below.

The dogs ran and I watched. Minnie seemed to be her usual self but the test would be whether she would eat brekkie back at home.

T snored on and I prepared food for all of us. Both dogs had no difficulty with my Lidl chicken rice mix. And I added a few biscuits to the mix. So Minnie was awarded an all-clear certificate and the Illingworths were notified that I had cured their dog.

It was only around 08.00 and the day stretched rather deliciously ahead. The sky turned a colour that lacked the blue of recent days and we even had a light shower. I may have dozed. The dogs did.

Pen sent a couple of new house pics …

Master bedroom

It’s looking fabulous…

I spent a lot of the afternoon sitting on my backside fiddling with my painting. It is still not finished. Tree needs work over the rock; the blue stones are not pale enough; I need to add different texture to the ground round the tree. Think about the lanterns. I also need to check the horizon which looks concave but it isn’t. Not in reality anyway.
This pic is based on a pretty swimming bay between Palaiochora and Grammeno.

The blue badge tracker, after 5 weeks of telling me nothing, now says it wants a pile of medical evidence, including expert evidence. Well … it merely reflects lack of understanding how dementia patients are treated.
What happens is this:

You visit a memory clinic, if you can get your patient there. A diagnosis is given. Medication suggested and reviewed a few months later. Then you are in the GP’s hands – who never sees you – T has not been seen by any doctor since we moved. Not for dementia anyway. So, evidence is a problem.

I have the original diagnosis but it does not spell out the reasons why a blue badge would help us. That is: T storming off in a hissy fit and unable to find the car because he can’t remember where it is, nor has he any navigational skills. If the car were parked in a prominent position, he might actually notice it. I leave him at home too much to avoid the hissy fit problem.

The afternoon and evening drifted in with reading and watching some comedy repeats for T. The dogs let me know they were hungry around 17.00. Or Minnie did. So they polished the remains if my home made Lidl chicken delight.

Thought for the Day






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