The Day that went wrong

I woke up starving in the middle of the night so I made myself a naughty piece of naughty toast, after I managed to extract the delicious strawberry jam from the darker recesses of the fridge.
To think I went to all that trouble to buy shallow fridge trays to store all my jars of pickle and jam and other accompaniments. And the jars still get extracted and scattered. I was soon asleep again.

The consequence was that I awoke later than intended and did not have time to get H out. T continues to have difficulty selecting clothes to wear. He tried to tell me he had no shorts when I know very well that he has several pairs in his wardrobe. Lurching off the shelves.

He was dropped off at Day Centre , and having checked with the Illis, I was all set to take Minnie out with H. Somewhere shady because, by now, it was 26C… at 10.00.
But Ali texted to say Minnie was not well, so a walk in this heat, shady or not, for a poorly dog, did not seem a good idea.
Minnie seemed pleased to see H and myself, but was not displaying the usual excited exuberance.
She was too busy eating grass. And then being sick. Ali was concerned because she was not drinking or eating anything but horse fodder. And the nit drinking bit was a worry.

We had coffee and chatted and she ‘persuaded’ me to book a few days away on an Adventure Dementia holiday in Norfolk in September. They have various venues around the country and most are fully booked. They cater for small groups at any one time consisting of carers and the cared for. They provide additional adults to provide care support, ferry you around on outings, feed you, have adapted accommodation etc. See snippets below …

Here is the link to our accommodation which is a converted barn – it looks alright! And we have not been to Norfolk before.

It is not cheap but hopefully will allow us to do / access some things that we might not manage as a couple. They also fix a zoom call so we get to meet the other couples with whom we will share the break. In advance.

I returned home with the dogs where Minnie headed straight for the water bowl and drank, so that was a relief. But she was not interested in kibble.

I relaxed a bit and divested myself of most of my clothes as wearing anything makes me hot. Sod and his law interfered with my plans because the doorbell rang.
As fate would have it, it was a delivery of a Betty’s parcel organised by Pen for Father’s Day. T has inspected the rather tempting contents – a yummy looking chocolate cake and fondant fancies.
I am going out this evening and I am wondering what he would like for supper …

cheese/smoked mackerel/ salad/ crisps?

bananas / grapes/ chocolate cake?

I’m not sure what I did then, apart from spend ages filling out information forms for the prospective holiday. We had not arrived home until well after midday. By the time I had completed the forms, another hour had passed. And it was soon time to collect T.

I took him to Lidl for a quick shop to buy cheap doggy chicken mince, and the grapes and bananas to keep T quiet.
Today I bought 4 helpings of grapes because 2 boxes usually disappear overnight. I even bought sachets to wash our clothes. And quite a lot of fruit.

I then cooked up the doggy rice and mince, and tested it out by dishing up a 3 star doggy dinner. Minnie ate hers with relish so maybe she is on the road to recovery, unless she returns it to me. H just gobbled hers. (It’s now 22.30 and the chicken mince and rice has remained within Minnie. )

I got very hot earlier. Sitting still is a helpful cooling activity.
I am off to Ecchinswell this evening to meet Basingstoke friends.

We had a lovely evening sitting in the garden at Ecchinswell. Laura and Chris have run this pub for 11 years and pitched it just right. But they are finally finally closing the doors on June19th . It is a shame. But they were originally supposed to be moving on on July 9 last year. We will need a new venu.

I drove through Burghclere both ways. Several houses are for sale around and about Yeomans Lane. Alterations, conversions and the odd new build have come to pass.
I was amused by the no limit speed signs guarding the entrance to the start of Crash Alley. There is a reason why this single track, passing place road is called Crash Alley. Reaching speeds of 50 or 60 mph would be quite a challenge. I noticed I was barely touching 18mph.

On the way back, I called in at the GP surgery where I picked up our latest prescription tablets from their dispensing machine. It’s good to be able to collect items out of hours, in the dark, secretly! I expect there is a camera eyeballing me somewhere.

When I arrived home, I found T wandering around clutching grapes. I enquired why both dogs were locked outside. And why all doors and windows were shut. No answer. The house was very warm and stuffy but at least all were present and correct.

Someone had a good time earlier…

Thought for the Day






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