Today has been diffficult

Not majorly so – just inconveniences and a lot on my mind with various things that are about to happen, or not about to happen in some cases.

I did sleep very very nicely. I see I was only up once before 05.00. Sometimes my watch tells me I have been active every hour. But not today.
It was 13C when I took H out at around 06.30. She wasn’t very active until she decided to scatter some blackbirds. And that was it.

I was home soon after 07.00. Nobody else was about apart from a couple of cyclists. T was cooperative and I delivered him to Daycare on time. His outfit left a little to be desired – knee length tartan socks and an ‘I am an authentic runner ‘ T shirt from the Marathon museum.

I’m feeling very overwhelmed. Art later and I really did not feel like going as it was scheduled to be hot. I went and my artwork was crap. It’s probably fixable. If I can be bothered.

Home, then a hair appointment due to swapping with Alex. My original booking was same time, same hairdresser, next week.

Bins to get out which is quite a palaver and after last week’s stream of abuse, there is no point in asking T to do it. It’s the garden one that is the pain, which is in the garden the wrong side of the faulty uncooperative gate.
Hopefully, the cleaners will pitch up tomorrow.

Amber from Oxford Dementia services wants to speak to me. So that is an event for tomorrow morning too. The shower is a mess and needs cleaning before the cleaners get to it. Mould has reappeared which is now covered in some noxious solution.

And that reminds me that I need to clean the oven.

The sheets are changed but I need to try and find the summer duvet.
A rose in the front garden seems to be very poorly and is not attractive; I shall have to trim it right back. The dead weeds need strimming and removing.

I’m hoping that the fact that the soup lunch was not mentioned in Moulsford Newsletter means it’s not happening, but we shall give it a miss anyway. It’s not really soup weather. 🤨

Today the afternoon car thermometer reached 33C or 30C as we moved along. So it’s been hot.

Thought for the Day






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