I had a good sleep. Although the night was warm, I did briefly reach for the duvet in the middle of the night. I always have the upper window wide open at this time of year. T is very good at closing it if I don’t watch him.
He received an early brekkie and I may have drifted off again. I performed a few chores and got a bit distracted so was later going out with H than I meant to be.
We walked down to the river at Gatehampton. We have not been there for a while, partly due to the presence of sheep and lambs and then due to the road closure. I opted for the path in the direction of Goring because I knew it would be more shady. The Thames was olive green, limpid and full of beauty with its reflections. There were various small inlets providing entry points into the water of which H took full advantage.
We turned back towards the car but were forewarned of the presence of sheep deep within the long meadow grass. I could hear them but they were buried under the long stalks.
They have started their Earth moving operations in preparation for a care home, or similar, that they are about to build bordering the muddy lane at the end of Manor Road. Well – I think it is a care home.

I returned home to suggest to T that we head for Saddleback Fatm shop/ cafe. I had hoped to visit the Snug in Dorchester which is near a llama farm. But, luckily, I checked its website to discover it is closed for a couple of weeks.
We left H at home and headed for Saddleback which is on the Newbury – Wantage road. I remember this place for its stunning views and they had not changed. We sat under the shade of a marquee and enjoyed a snack. Last time I was here I watched a herd of deer bobbing around the golden corn. But not today. And the corn is not golden.

We returned home where I hid inside. T went off to bed for a snooze. And joined me at about 6.30pm.
I made sure he has grapes – and strawberries. And millionaire’s shortbread. He won’t starve!
Tomorrow is a bit messy with Daycare and Art and then a swapped hair appointment.
T is enjoying Spring Watch. That means I get two commentaries… his take and that of the professionals.
I have a naughty and very annoying itch on my thigh. On the back of it. A throwback to the biting insects of the other day. It is very ANNOYING!
Thought for the Day

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