Arty Conundra

Happy 21 years married to Pen and Dave.

I had a fab sleep. Only woke up once before 05.00 and then drifted off again until around 08.00.
I knew I was going to have to get up although nothing is in the diary.

Early walks are going to be necessary due to threatened heat over the’s working up to great warmth right now.

H and I had a glorious walk from Cholsey layby down to the river. Since Moulsford residents are more or less trapped in Moulsford, ( unless we sneak out via Cholsey) due to the horrendous roadworks in Wallingford and the road closure at Streatley, we had little choice of venue. In fact things are so bad that South Stoke primary school pupils went to school in a boat.

It was beautiful by the river – H had already ploughed her way into it whilst I was still some distance away. The footpath down there is tedious and boring. Even worse on the way back. The ground is uneven and baked hard. But by the river itself on the Cholsey Mindfulness bench, it is glorious. Various watercraft whizzed or dawdled past. Shade and reflection, the latter, both personal and visible, prevailed. So did peace.

I was in no hurry to slog up the tedious track to the car.

My arty conundrum is this:

Little Stoke art classes are taking a break and are not continuing in the Autumn. That saves having to make a decision. But I also heard today that the Abingdon class is moving venu to near Oxford. It will increase my journey time too much to be bothered. (5 miles further away) TBH the Abbey Buildings in Abingdon are a beautiful venu but not ideal, freezing in winter.
So a new venu is a good idea. But not for me. I shall look elsewhere – Wantage has some interesting possibilities as does Newbury.

I am working on an icon style birthday greeting for George where Leeds United replace the Red Cross and Nerf guns replace the sword. The work has suffered various incarnations and smudges. And is not yet finished.

I was over painted and stiff so went to sit outside to recline and enjoy the warm sunshine of the mid afternoon. T had arisen by now and was annoyingly restless. But with a little instruction, he did make me a very nice cup of coffee. That’s a first in a long while.

At 2.00 pm, tomorrow, Friday, someone will cut an imaginary ribbon to celebrate reopening the road to Streatley and beyond.

Thought for the Day






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