Fresh Air

The air is breathable – no stink!

Last night was reasonable – we were in bed early, before the late news.
Unsurprisingly, I was awake early, flexed, breakfasted and second dozed. The day had dawned grey and chilly.

H and I went walkies at Castle Meadows. The meadow grasses are long but the walking tracks have recently been mowed which is very helpful. I couldn’t see any methane poo monsters about. H doesn’t normally roll at Castle Meadows, though she has plenty of roly poly choice should she wish to. But I was on guard.
Then I caught sight of two of the sneakier MMS having a little sit down among the meadow grasses. I thought cows sitting down meant rain. That would not have been at odds with what the sky was hinting at.
Barely visible, these two would have caused H to react. Luckily I saw them in time for her to be clipped to the lead. And this time I did not fall over.

To make matters worse their little friends were scattered over the track I had wanted to take. So we visited the Upper Mindfulness Log instead. In another 2 weeks + we might be able to revisit Pangbourne.

My ankle has been very painful but unswollen. Probably not helped by yesterday’s debacle.

Upon returning home, the mower and my ankle and I ‘glided’ over the lawn reducing its unkempt appearance and exposing bald patches. I performed pirouettes with the mower cable and managed, once again, not to trip over. Just. It was still chilly but mowing heats you up. Once some rain is in the forecast, I will sprinkle some grass seed, mixed amongst sand, over the balder areas.

H hid whilst I mowed. T hid whilst I mowed. And I had 5 hodfuls of grass for the garden waste bin. In fact it is 15.48 and T is still in bed. He had his left over curry for lunch and it has been devoured. And I am cold. Pen has just rung from Devon where the sun is out and it is warm. She is not cold!!
Their swimming pool has been relined, and it seems there is a flurry of activity going on in their new house ready for their arrival in a couple of weeks.

Our grass is shorter than usual as I lowered the cutter. BUT wouldn’t it be nice if it just stopped growing? Despite not having had a drop of rain since 6 May, (yes, a month) the grass is still persisting in growing.

Both my house companions have kept stink free today.

I’m not entirely sure what I did during the afternoon. I had quite a long chat with next door neighbour Tracey. She had brought us some eggs from their chickens. We put the world to rights.

I baked jacket potatoes and salad for tea. I think T ate his. And I did fall asleep in the sofa.

But dreams disturbed my sleep. I oversaw a daytrip of Y6 kids to the Himalayas . They clambered some way up that tall mountain, once called Everest. (Chomolungma) A hovercraft (?) brought them down. 😏 They were late back and I was awaiting them along with chunks of family. Ofsted came into it somewhere and I polished a table with oil. As you do. Ashley (T) said the day was amazing!

Thought for the Day







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