Lunch out

I had a pretty decent night despite having spent a chunk of the evening from around 21.00 asleep. Maybe waking at 05.00 ish has something to do with falling asleep in the evenings. Of course I pay for it in so many other ways…

Not only is the kitchen food bin left open all night for smells to fill the air and flies to lay their eggs on the exposed scraps. A frightful sight and smell to greet me as I put the kettle on in the morning.

Also the flower pots have been moved around. They are now completely squashed together and out of sight, buried under the wheelbarrow amongst reject pots. I thought the whole point in my planting up bedding plants was so I could admire the flowers from the sitting room or elsewhere. I was wrong – they are only good for killing off. Perhaps I won’t bother wasting my money and effort in future.

And as for my two instant fence covering jasmine plants – so carefully positioned. Well that was a waste of time.

And summer is obviously over as the garden chairs have been put away. Serves me right for nodding off before dark.

I found the fridge was a bit bare this morning – no milk or interesting bread so I decided to walk H early. She was a bit shocked by this and had to carry out a few stretches before she could make it to connect with her lead. But we walked across Streatley Rec and down to the river. It was a beautiful quiet morning and we had the Thames path to ourselves. Shame that we were too early for the Swan cafe.

I headed for the filling station for milk and croissants but there were bollards all round it. So off to Tesco Express in Cholsey. The One stop shop was not open either, but Tesco was. So I also stocked up on grapes, hot cross buns, washing up liquid and other essential items, in addition to milk.

As Sod and his law would have it, the petrol station was open as I returned home, as was the One Stop shop. I suspect it might be to do with it being 07.57 as I passed on the outward trip. And 08.15 on the return.

T continued his general bad temper from yesterday, asking what H’s name was today. Or what do you mean- our bedroom?

I think he may be slipping down one of those cyclical ramps of confusion. An expected downward spiral in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

A bit like this: ⬆️

The downward progression slows up or takes a little rest every so often.

I cajoled T out of bed and whilst he stood under the rain forest shower, I snipped some of the intrusive grass away from certain plants.

And soon we were off to Burcot where we met up with a very delayed Pen. Thank you M40. But we had a lovely lunch.

The Illis could not make it – George turns 14 this week and he had fiends over last night. They needed to be disposed of.

Pen returned to Devon for the last few weeks of her teaching career. They will move into their new house at the end of this month.

Boris seems to be getting his own back on Sunak. With any luck they will see each other off. I don’t think Eat Out to Help Out was such a ghastly mistake. We had a lot of cheap meals on it as we moved house. And it saved businesses and jobs. And gave us a second Covid spike and a further lockdown.

Back to school now. Peace out and about.

Thought for the Day






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