Late Warmth

Well, the day dawned grey and cool again, but by 16.00 it was very warm. This seems to be the current pattern.
But I am informed there has been rain in Crete. And it is a bit cloudy out there

I managed to get T off to Day Care on time and H and I headed for Castle Meadows. I chose the shorter route via the lower and upper lower mindfulness benches. We needed to be mindful because a lot of cattle came by to say hello. They are young beasts of various sexes, but the boys may not be strictly boys. They seemed an incontinent lot of youths, dribbling pee as they passed by.
H was only mildly interested, being more concerned about the treats in my pocket.
But true Rowdy Yates style, I moved those cattle on. Clint Eastwood eat your heart out. Rolling, rolling, rolling…I wonder if you can stream Rawhide.

It was cloudy with a chilly breeze for our stroll. H and I arrived home whereupon I completed a stream of fiddly domestic jobs… changing sheets, washing etc. Then I made some lists of all the jobs I have not yet done. Lists can be useful. An irksome reminder. Or a helpful one depending on your point of view.

The Philip Schofield affair drags on. I feel sorry for him and wonder if all the stuff about his brother hasn’t helped drag him down. I’ve always quite liked him, but his current difficulties are fraught with danger. And lack of honesty has not helped. But I do not believe he is a Savile, a Harris, an Epstein or a Weinstein. All of those men gave me intuitive creeps, especially Saville. But I don’t feel the same about Schofield. I’m glad his daughters are looking out for him.
And I’m pleased to note some of his ex colleagues are now saying enough is enough and that his treatment has been disproportionate. Think Caroline Flack.
I still think that at heart he is a good guy. He was fairly wild eyed in his Amol Rajan interview. It was handled well.

I relaxed a short while and resisted heavy eyelids before gathering T up. He was busy sorting the cutlery from their dishwasher when I picked him up. Just his sort of job.
The day was now much warmer but my eyelids won.

Pen will drop by on Sunday, which will be very nice.

Nothing happening tomorrow.

A tale of two great big weeds . The top pic might be horseradish in the wrong place. And goodness knows what the pink weed by the fence is. That’s just two from a wide variety in the garden. The roses I tied up yesterday are not looking happy…

I have found a really nice jigsaw app. You can choose your puzzle from a variety of categories. And you can choose the number of purses and whether they are rotated. The hard category is just that! As belie.

Thought for the Day






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