Heidi caught a fly

The warmer weather is introducing flies into the house. There is nothing H likes less than a fly or likes more than chasing a fly. They usually escape, but today she enjoyed success. It’s either a dead fly or a fly in hiding.

I slept very nicely on the sofa before transferring myself to bed and continuing my sleep.

Unfortunately, I was awake before 05.00 but decided to lie in. Without Minnie, there is not the same urgency to get the dogs out and about. So we returned to my previous routine of dropping T at Daycare and then a short walk with H.

Today we walked near a Clump. The path was overgrown and the ground baked dry. But it was not a warm morning and I had not brought sleeves so we needed to keep moving. The Clumps were fairly quiet considering it was half term, but then minders and their unruly charges started to arrive.

These Clumps are just outside the village where Biris and Carry will make their new home.

I popped into Lidl for grapes and a few other essential. I have been without onions and tomatoes and salad for a few days, which is most unusual. Without onions, you can’t make anything and I have peppers that are saying ‘stuff me!’ But not today, I made a lunchtime guacamole instead. It didn’t last long.

Before going out, I had put washing on and shorn the carpets with the Miele. Next time, it might be advisable to wear my glasses whilst using the Miele. It’s easy to miss bits. I had intended to do all sorts of other jobs, but lassitude after the early flurry overwhelmed me.

Predictably, I fell asleep before collecting T , but my trusty alarm disturbed me just in time to gather him up. It has not been warm enough to linger outside unless with a blanket. But supper calls me to prepare it!

I found my USB end of the charging cable dangling in a glass of water this morning. But it seemed to work after I dried it off. But it’s not working now! Better find another cable.

A lupin is flowering! the feeling is almost as good as catching a fly.

Thought for the Day






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