Making up for Yesterday

Yesterday’s idleness was buried by quite a lot of unuseful activity today. Activity certainly – of productive value? Little. But still a very pleasant day.

The night passed but I was awake before 05.00. I eventually got myself going and out with the dogs. This morning was not like yesterday- it was cloudy with a cool breeze.
But the dogs got on with their walk. Wallingford and Castle Meadows were marginally busier than the last 3 mornings. Holiday Weekend over and people are back at work.
We walked by the river again which Minnie ignored. And saved herself for the dewpond. We also had to take anti-cattle precautions. (leads). Monstrous methane machines such as they are.

Spot the lower mindfulness bench taken from the upper lower mindfulness bench. ⬇️

The hawthorn bushes are interesting. Over the last couple of weeks, white bushes have dominated, throwing out sprays of white flowers.
But pale pink hawthorn flowers are now adding to the colours and there are even darker pink flowers emerging. It’s the same with horse chestnut candles.

I returned with the doggies and had a little rest. Some of it in the garden because the sun had appeared. Eventually I enquired of Ali whether the Illingworths would like their doggy back.
I agreed to meet at Fleur and Ali at the Swan after T and I walked the dogs across the Rec.

No 00beer, no lemonade to make shandy and not much in the snack line either – Swan- you disappoint!

F and A arrived and we whiled away an expensive extensive couple of hours playing some silly game, whilst trying to explain to T that coffee does not grow on trees and each cup is expensive . A beer would have kept him ticking over better. But it was good that he got out of bed and out and about.

Minni was in her ‘woof every couple of minutes’ mode. H tried to join in but realised the futility of it and gave up.

George was on a sailing course somewhere. DCI was working.
By now, the day had cheered up a bit and the sun put in an appearance.

It was well after 15.00 when we reached the car. I suggested we visit the Cook store in Didcot. Which we did. Going via Cholsey and returning via Blewbury. The views were absolutely spectacular, both ways. T couldn’t stop talking about them. The Clumps, the Ridgeway, horrible vast ploughed spaces, and gentler rolling valleys with secrecy and hedgerows.

We returned for me to Cook a Cook dish and succumb to sleep. I felt really tired so I knew I would be overwhelmed. And I was.

T will be back in Daycare tomorrow and I have housework to do! Amongst other things.

Thought for the Day

Shakespeare 🔽






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