Dogs x2

Another nice luxurious night with good sleeps, despite dozing yesterday evening.
T was quite bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. It was not difficult to get him up and going. The agenda for the day was forming in my mind between 05.00 and 07.00. Until I nearly fell asleep again.

We had to acquire Minnie which is usually a 10 minute drive there and back. She is visiting while they walk a chunk of the SW coast path somewhere around St Ives and Penzance I think. Another crazy ILLINGWORTH adventure. Fleur’s idea (after D of E last weekend) George, is not too keen, I am told.

Of course, the roadworks scuppered the 10 minute drive to collect Minnie. So I made an alternative arrangement with Ali.

Pen rang as we were preparing for Day Care and I learned that while Frankie + 1 cat sit for Clare in London, the remaining Roberts have 4 days in Barcelona.

Having dropped T off, I paid a visit to Lidl and restocked the fridge, buying lots of fruit. And… nice surprise, nice surprise…

I hope I make it taste better than some frozen ones I’ve had in Crete before now. I would not choose frozen ones, it’s just they are produced by some lazy taverna owners. Or not. Home made ones are delicious. Marathopita or similar.

There’s nothing so exciting as unloading and unpacking shopping. But the job was eventually done.

Ali texted to say we would meet at 12.00 at the Swan. So I walked from Streatley Rec and Ali parked up at the Swan and we met over a cup of coffee and she brought me Minnie. T refers to her as the black dog. Of the male variety.
I walked the dogs back across the Rec and left Ali to get herself home.
It was another lovely sunny warm day. I had intended to work on my plants but the dogs were restless when I returned. Minnie just establishing herself I think. So they needed some attention.

I picked up T and brought him home.
I found time to watch a very interesting programme about secret ancient Athens or similar where they had used loads of scans combined with historical knowledge to explore it. Ancient Invisible Cities series 1 episode 2.

The program is actually five years old! They did Cairo and I think Rome as well.

I’m relaxing in my nightie at 19.45 in the sitting room, The door bell pings. T has a habit of inviting anyone on the doorstep inside. I sidle into the bedroom feeling irritated at the disturbance. Avon lady. I did not know that they still existed. That no cold callers notice will be hung up soon.

Am I silly to feel annoyed at the intrusion?

I’m mentally designing my door new notice .

I managed to squeeze a quick nightmare into the last 10 minutes of Masterchef. I had to make 30 chocolate fairy cakes for the school fete tomorrow and mount 30 pieces of Art work. I had no chocolate at home and the shops were shut. And there was no black mountain paper left. And I had no trimmer at home. Lose lose situation.

Thought for the Day

  • Between us we have:
  • Half a brain
  • Three legs
  • A very fierce man eating dog
  • No money
  • A hot line to law enforcement people
  • We like:
  • parcels
  • people we know






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