I had a good night last night. Only a minor interruption after which I fell asleep easily. Early brekkie. And then more sleep until 09.00. When I awoke with a shock.
We were due to have our feet done around 13.00 but a reply from Debs, to a text I sent, confirmed – yes- she was coming, but would be delayed due to negotiating the road works diversion.
I wandered out into the sunniness to consider the garden tasks. Firstly, watering. We have only been a few days without one of the regular drenchings we have grown accustomed to. But already some plants were showing self pity and the results of lack of water. I set about putting this right.
Next-cutting the grass. Today, try as I might, I could still not locate the electric extension lead so I made do with the amount of lead attached to the mower. But I did locate two missing trowels. This means I can plant up a few more of my bedding purchases.
But the grass looks better. And I reminded myself that I can do most of it without the extension lead and the strimmer will reach the bit that I can’t!

As I shifted my pots around, I realised that some pots would still need plants. I rearranged those pots I had already done so that they caught the eye on the terrace, leaving the messy weedy ones out of sight.
There is one large pink flowering plant at the end of the garden, but it is a weed I believe. But which weed is a mystery.
Debs arrived to do our feet – T’s seem to be in a better state than mine! All soft etc whereas mine have a dose of hard skin. She spent a while clipping and massaging. It is quite a relief to to me, get his feet done (she does his finger nails too) and mine as well.
In the meantime, whilst I was being done, T appeared and rearranged all my best plant pot efforts. I had also removed the garden waste bin and the wheelbarrow out of sight. He only carefully replaced them. There is nothing like looking at an old wheelbarrow and a brown wheelie bin as you sit and contemplate the beauty of living things.
The surgery had unhelpfully sent the signed doctor’s form to their Woodcote branch. So the 20 mile round trip became over 25 miles. But I needed to collect it to process our application for council tax discount.
Apparently SODC will expect T to be named as payer of council tax. Yeah right! It is his Alzheimer’s diagnosis that allows us to claim the discount. When will someone in this wide world understand that people with Alzheimer’s are incapable of managing anything, never mind their financial affairs. He won’t even go in a shop to buy anything, never mind pay an online bill. Or set up a standing order.
But the drive around the SO country side in the sunshine was beautiful. Views were into the far distance in several directions.
And I had booked us a treat – supper at the Bear of North Moreton. It was there that H at last got a short walk. Not only the lack of time, but also the fact the recreation area had been set up for a cricket match, boundary rope and all, reduced her walk length.
Our early evening meal was a welcome addition to the day’s events. Delicious.

Best ever fish pie! And as for the greens! They barely cook them and they are yummy!
I knew I would be asleep early. I was not wrong. I only managed a bit of Masterchef. There was an interesting challenge on it, but not the one below. I must find out the outcome. Some catch up to do tomorrow.
Thought for the Day.

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