
Another of those yo-yo nights. I was awake around 05.00, just about in the nick of time to get through the routine jobs. And empty the dishwasher. And that took a while because just about every bit of crockery and cutlery in the house was in the dishwasher.
Those that were not in the machine, were in the sink queuing patiently to be allowed entry.

H and I were off out for a short walk around 07.00. The car park at Streatley Rec was fairly full of road-works avoiders who were using the car park to take a short-cut-walk to work, the station etc. The day was warm and sunny and the shadows were long.

I dropped T off at his playgroup and headed across the river for Art. I thought we were supposed to be working inside today but was a bit crestfallen to discover we were outside. This involves trudging over uneven ground carrying various bits of equipment and materials. I get help from Ollie.

We were in a really beautiful walled garden with an enclosed swimming pool. No, we were not doing David Hockney splash pics. I decided to abandon paint and use pastel. Mainly because I prefer to walk flat than on an easel. Or even work flat. I don’t have the same arm control working vertically. And outside I have too much to manage with paper, water, brushes, paper towels etc. Everything falls on the floor and my irritation threshold is breached.
So my unfinished work of Art is not great. The detail required was probably too fine for pastel. I might finish it.

The morning had been glorious and sunny and warm enough for T-shirt wear.

Whilst I was on the Stokes side of the river, I rang the GP to find out where the form I dropped off last week had got to. It is the form that you need for a reduction in council tax. I learned it had finally reached the doctor. After a week. They will text when I can go on my next 20 mile detour to pick it up.

I dashed home to give H a little company before I picked T up. We then went to the Oxshed for one of their delicious Chiltern ice creams.

The lawn needed a mow, weeds needed removing, some bedding plants needed bedding. I did the easy job, I got the hose out and watered. And then I fell asleep.

And later I awoke. The evening was punctuated by unscintillating conversation and general irritations. It is no longer worth my breath explaining things to T- it passes him by. But he does not get that. And gets cross because he does not understand my eventual explanations.

Thought for the Day






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