I did sleep quite well, before, and then, after the great barking debacle. Following this, H settled down and was silent. She never disturbs us in the night, but then she is never locked out either.
After flexing, coffee and a further snooze, I finally awoke after 09.00. This came as quite a surprise. Luckily, nothing pressing was awaiting us.
H and I left T in bed and we departed for Newbury. I used the special top secret code to get through the golf course gate and take my road-works-avoidance trip to Newbury.
I arrived at Greenham in plenty of time to give H a decent walk and visit the dog pond. The water was high and plentiful and H paddled quite deep. There was hardly anyone about.

We then headed for The Base, the snack bar/ cafe / gallery where I was scheduled to meet carer friends. Four out of the six of us were present, which was lovely and we were saved the dreaded Paula.
The cafe experience was not smooth. At 13.00, they had run out of jacket potatoes, service was erratic and slow. They had overlooked my order altogether.
We sat outside, but the wind was chilly and passing traffic was noisy so we retreated within. Inside was noisy too, in between music, voices and general clattering.
I returned, leaving around 15.30 to use the golf course track once more. A very unpleasant jobsworth member told me off for using the track, dismissing my 2x comment that I had permission. Because I was not a member, I did not have permission as far as he was concerned. And he clearly regarded it as his mission in life to clear scum like me. He told me not to use it again.
I was sufficiently aware of the need to protect Alex’s source and supplier of the code, not to let rip at the arrogant ignoramus. I presumed I was allowed there on ‘friends and family’ basis. This unpleasant piece of dog waste may have assumed that I was an opportunist taking advantage of the open gate. I did not like his attitude.
I found T still in bed, had a little relax, cooked jacket potatoes ( we were deprived of them by at lunchtime) and I promptly fell asleep.
Thought for the Day

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