I had a little bit of a bumpy night and finally awoke at around 07.00. I performed the usual routines including forgetting to stop the flexing. But I was not really ‘with it’ because almost as soon as I had put on my newly charged watch, I took it off again. That confused me.
Then I was sent into severe shock. Ali texted suggesting a meeting around 08.15. 08.15!! She was on my side of the road works due to having to deliver Fleur for her D of E Silver hiking weekend.
We parked up at Streatley Rec and walked H across the Rec, through to the other side of the roadworks to the Swan.
Although it was early, at around 08.30, it was warm, and sunny. The river was bright, the Swan garden was no longer littered with the dreaded deck chairs, and the coffee was good. We chattered on until Ali realised she needed to make a cake and we returned across the Rec to the car.

The pic below shows roadworks in red and a possible pincer movement to the Rec in green (from both directions). Though today we went from the Rec along green route to the Swan.

I was about to depart for Screwfix and its little challenge when I started nattering to Tracey, our neighbour. We sort of put the world to rights.
I collected the Screwfix challenge and then gave Lidl a bit of a whirl. £80 worth of whirl. That meant several heavy bags in addition to my previously acquired Screwfix box. Luckily, T was alert enough to be a good donkey and carry things from the car to the house.
T has never been known for troubling himself with instructions when it comes to assembling things. That was even in the days when he could read. So I was slightly alarmed as he unpacked the contents of my precious Screwfix box. And scattered them over the kitchen table. And returned to bed.
I connected the battery to the charger, found the instructions abandoned in the box, and unpacked the shopping, then made sandwiches to supplement the paltry remains of the never ending soup. I collapsed – almost from shock because T ate all his mini baguette. Then he returned to bed.
Unpacking the box had done him in. I read the encyclopaedic instructions in detail. There are so many adjustments to angles and length it would have made any bishop’s eyes water.
And now that the strimmer is charged – yes- it’s a strimmer, I could go and see if it works. Or clear up the mess I’ve made in the kitchen. Or do nothing. It’s quite late and the strimmer is noisy … if I leave the kitchen mess it won’t be any worse in the morning…
These naughty little insidious thoughts that creep into my brain.
I enjoyed a little snack. I thought I had bought big fat capers.

They had produce of Crete written all over their little tub, but they were definitely not capers.
Of course! Silly me. They were very tiny Cretan olives. And then a thought struck me. Another shock…

Yes! They ALL contained a stone. That was hard work. Shame- they were yummy.
The strimmer works. The dish washer is loaded, most of the mess gone. Did I mention that?
And all that remains to mention is my ankles – urticaria I think as a result of naughty nettles on a walk. Anyway they itch.
Thought for the Day

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