A good sleep passed me by. But, inexplicably, T was , beyond unpleasant this morning, rude, abusive, uncooperative, grumpy. Pretty nasty in fact. Not pretty just very.
He was unwilling to get up to go to Daycare, unwilling to take his tablets, unwilling to do anything. It made life difficult. I sort of think, why do I do this ? I’m nearly 74, do I really want to be putting up with this.
Self pity passed and T got moving. We were only half an hour the wrong side of 09.30 as I dropped him off. As Andrew commented yesterday, when someone had suggested Barbara might be better off in a home .., Your marriage vows come into play…
Iniquitous rubbish, calculated to make you a ball at the end of a chain.
I wandered round Castle Meadows with H. It was another beautiful warm, sunny, morning. But it started to cloud over as we neared the car.

Pink Hawthorne. And cow!
H and I returned home for celery soup (again) and I did a bit of watering… before I fell asleep… before the alarm woke me to tell me it was time to pick up T.
I was feeling quite hypothermic by now, and there was a loud unrecognisable noise outside. I had unlocked the patio doors for the summer. As I surfaced, I realised heavy rain was falling. Very heavy rain. H was lurking in a corner behind the sofa.
I was in quite a hurry by now and the roads were awash. I rescued T who seemed to have forgotten his churlish behaviour of earlier in the day.
I don’t really know what happened to the rest of the day. I cooked fish for supper of which T ate two mouthfuls, having previously said he wanted some. I’m sick of plates of his left over food in the fridge which he will ‘eat for brekkie’. But never does. Well tomorrow he can have it for brekkie. A first.
He couldn’t settle this evening which made me unsettled. At some point, while I was quietly minding my own business, reading, during his sundowning, he brought me a bottle of shower gel, an orange and one of his T shirts, as you do. Very handy in the sitting room.
The shower gel has disappeared off the face of the earth. I might pop into Lidl tomorrow and buy him a bottle of their best high end body wash.
Thought for the Day

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