I didn’t sleep particularly well. When I awoke at 05.30, I felt tired and lethargic. I was about to adjust and finish my blog when I realised that a load of work I did on it had not saved. I usually try and get it all ready to publish before I go to bed and then hit the publish button in the morning. Well something in the saving process had gone wrong.
Quite soul destroying really- matches the rest of the day.
It was one of those days where T glued himself to me. He was perfectly pleasant, but incredibly irritating and it drags me down. When he shows me a carrier bag and asks ‘what do you mean carrier bag? Is this what you are talking about when you say a carrier bag?’ my heart sinks and bumps along the ocean floor and I think I am just not cut out to deal with this. It’s not the lack of item recognition as much as his intimation that I have not made things clear to him, so it’s my fault that he does not understand.
I had an appointment with the dental hygienist at 11.30 in Benson. I was silly enough to offer to take T to Millets Farm if he got himself up in time. Which he did.
As I parked the car in Benson, kerbside, leaving generous distance at my rear, and keeping enough space in front, so a car could park in front of me, some tosser in the car behind started to fuss that I was too close. Mindful that he might not be a competent driver, I looked behind his car where there was enough room for a smart car between his boot and the car behind him.
I pointed out he had plenty of space but his intellect was so limited he had not connected up the fact someone might need space to park in front of me. The problem was solved for him because the car behind him pulled away and he was able to reverse and happily occupy two parking spaces. This was kerbside parking.
Next up – more parking as I parked T with H at a cafe in Benson and went off to have my teeth chiselled. He had a coffee and an ice cream to occupy him. By the time I got back he had ordered himself another coffee. At £3.25 a cup it makes me draw breath.
We then headed for Milletts Farm which is essentially a foody garden centre selling everything else you could ever want. It also has woodland walks and animals to admire – just the job for T whilst H could salivate at the sight of sheep and ducks. Today it was quiet there. The weather was warm.
The home made soup was great but it was a shame the outdoor eating area was not open. Unfathomable in fact. It was hot and there were no open windows either. T was fussing and was overdressed and hot, in a mood where nothing I said made sense to him. I was very rattled by now which meant I cut the visit short. He was coughing constantly until I stuck his inhaler in his mouth, because he didn’t seem to know what to do with it.
It was all too much. Not helped by the outward journey where the Satnav (which I decided to obey for once, but probably won’t ever again) was in a similar frame of mind to T. Scattergun/ nonsensical. We almost ended up in the middle of Oxford.
And as for little H – her walk was a lead one where she trailed through the woodlands and shop of Milletts Farm.
My frustrations continued at home as I laid out the newly purchased bedding plants on the patio, ensuring there was plenty of space between them. T later shoved them all so close together there was no space to spread. I try and explain why they were spaced apart but it’s a waste of time and my patience snaps when he denies moving them. And then calls me all sorts of names. Time to retaliate. But it gets me nowhere. He doesn’t listen and just voices over.
Thought for the Day

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