I slept well last night. I was awake briefly, just long enough, to discover it was raining. Thought we were supposed to be up for a dry few days. Not much to be done about it.
I got brekkie around 05.30 and we relaxed. And flexed and might even have fallen asleep again. T took a while to concentrate on what he should be doing …
I dropped him off at Day Care and set off for Castle Meadows with H. They were fairly empty. We headed away from the steers and I engaged an Earth Trust Warden in conversation. The area and it’s conservation were being inspected later today. I noticed new fencing as we wandered round. I also mentioned the strange group who were badly parked on Friday.
The warden explained they were a volunteer group, not led by the usual leader, which explained the strange attitude with which I was greeted. And the things with wooden handles were scythes- I just had not noticed.
The meadows were stunning – buttercups making their presence known. On days like this the beauty and softness of the sights and sounds help make sense of life, such as it is.

I sat awhile on one of my mindful logs and H snuffled her way through the long grasses and hedgerows.
I returned home to make some celery soup featuring celery, 1 carrot, 2 potatoes, 1 leek and some garlic and seasoning. It was very tasty. A few weeks ago I was going to do daily soup but it sort of fell apart.
While my tasty soup was cooking… I gave the grass another cut. The edges need work now. The moss has been killed; I just need to rake it up and sow a bit of seed in all the bald patches that H’s wee has created.
one of my clematis plants is showing off… a few more leaves would be good.

H is happy to be able to go in and out at will now that the doors can be open more.

I managed not to fall asleep this afternoon and arrived in Cholsey in good time to collect Tony. He seems to have had a good day. Armchair Zumba this afternoon I believe. Something musical on Wednesday and a visit from the Police on Friday.
Pass the parcel and armchair Zumba. Today.

Now that the roadworks are starting, the local roads are plastered with signs forbidding travel towards Streatley. Consequently our road through Moulsford is much quieter. Though I suspect there will be chaos around 16.00 when the two posh schools release their pupils.
They seem to be perpetually at war with each other. And Moulsford (boys) Prep, 3 to 13, is now going co-ed in September. Cranford House, used to be Girls 3-18, is now also fully co-ed. The competition heats up, if you have a few hundred thousand to spare. Moulsford Prep must have a hand in the local Council’s pocket because any planning permission they request is granted. Just about everything Cranford House apply for is turned down. Hmm.
My new packet of envelopes was ‘disappeared’. That meant I bought yet another packet. But, at least, the French bill is now in the post.
I may have dozed off after our return.
Thought for the Day

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