Yes – a very good sleep last night which brought me to consciousness quite late – around 07.00. (And it’s Monday now and last night was super magnificent too.). I feel as though I’m slowly catching up. Mustn’t speak too soon though.
The congestion has almost gone.
There was nothing scheduled for today so no need to rush to get up. The thigh strain of yesterday was still present though less of a breath taker.
I eventually got myself going in the later part of the morning and H and I took a farewell trip to Pangbourne which will be time consuming to access over the next few weeks.
The warning signs were all up and around and about all over the roads.
It was warm by the time we reached the Meadows. They were busy with people enjoying the 20C. One young man was flirting with the idea of a swim. H paddled.
Our log was occupied by trespassers so we amused ourselves bench hopping. There was a noisy, casual, youth football match nearby, lots of people picnicking or just lying on the rich grass. All the geese and ducks were crowding the banks hoping for a few crumbs.
I spent a long while chatting to a lady with similar history to myself – husband died from dementia last year, dog died too. Thankfully the familiarity stops short at the death bit. She would make a good friend, her name is Rosie and she knows the Syfrets well. But then they seem to know everyone in Pangbourne. We have a loose arrangement to meet again on a Sunday afternoon in 6 weeks, once the road is open again.
H made good use of the time we chatted, exploring, playing and eating the goose / duck bread that was lying around.

On the way home, I stopped at the local filling station which has swapped suppliers and loyalty from Morrison’s to Coop. All standard stuff is still available but milk was our requirement.
Upon our return, T was not up. We were not hungry so I ignored doing lunch and wrestled with getting the sitting room curtains down and re-hooking them. They have not hung dutifully for the last two and a half years. Getting them down was a precarious balancing act involving a tippy toe reach on a half step.
I had ordered new metal (supposedly stronger) hooks to rehang them. I tightened the cords at the same time. But my tippy toe reach did not work when it came to rehanging them. So they await the attention of a taller person.
In amongst all this, Dave had been and gone, delivering carrots, celery and rhubarb crumble from Millets Farm. The latter is a large garden and everything else Centre, the other side of Abingdon. He also borrowed our electric mower. The one I love so much.
Dave is having a serious love affair with it, his own more heavy duty job having gone on strike. Happy with its work, he returned it around 22.00, just as I was making cheese sandwiches, le since I had overlooked making lunch or supper when a few hours of the day went missing.
It had to be returned that night due to the imminence of the dastardly roadworks.
He will rehang the curtains at some point.
Now I had managed to snore most of the evening away before making the cheese sandwich and feeding H. All a bit late.
But as you may have read, I also had a solid night of sleep, waking just once to hear the gentle drops of rain.
Thought for the Day

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