I had a fabulous night’s sleep only to be disturbed by this dream towards the waking up time at 05.05.
It was all to do with completing doggy admin and passport to get H into the EU. But by the time I got to the end of it all, I had 4 dogs to deal with, one of whom was Obi. The other two? Who knows.
Anyway nothing was straightforward.
The requirements included feeding them, immediately before we departed, a folksy steak meal as well as a piece of battered fish. Despite me explaining to the port doggy sturmfuhrer that it would make sense to feed them long before the crossing, she was not up for any excuses.
The dogs would eat freshly cooked delicacies from her restaurant while she looked on. Grr… I awoke.
And I got on with the day and it’s normal doggy routines. T had Dayclub today and I had Art to get to. So, H had an early short walk, then I found extra time before we had to leave.
It was a sunny day with interruptions to the sunshine – heavy showers.
Devon was badly hit yesterday and the flow of water outside Pen’s house excavated bricks out of their driveway.
Art was more blossom – wisteria was my choice using black and white charcoal moving into colour.
We were given much better paper and pastels to use at my Abingdon class. However, I could have used paint. I found it quite a challenge and was given useful tips. We are also working on upright easels which I don’t like much.

I went home via the vets where I picked up H’s flea and worm tablets. She should now be free of fleas and ticks for 3 more months.
H was pleased to see me upon my return home.
A few chores later and I almost managed to doze off before meet T.

He is behind the flag! I’m wondering where his little plate is. He also had a roast dinner and pud.
I was pretty shattered when I arrived home… ongoing Covid fatigue perhaps. At least I didn’t need to cook supper. The evening sort of disappeared in quiet conversation about nothing in particular.
My weed and feed grass treatment might be beginning to take effect. Or it might just be all the rain making the remaining grass on the weed patch over excited.
I note Y6 have SATS this week – my heart goes out to them and their teachers. I have heard rumblings that the reading test was unreasonably hard.
Thought for the Day

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