Home is sweet

Todays writing is all over the place!

Yes … nice time away but it is good to be home again with its creature comforts and my chosen organisation.
I had another weird collections of dreams again which meant a rather disturbed night. I remember trying to ‘climb out’ of the dream but failing. Or even flailing. I think it was to do with getting the house clean.
T declined my kind offer of accompanying me on a walk and then changed his mind.
This constant feeling of tiredness at the thought of doing anything, anything at all, continues. But since my congestive snot is also ongoing, I suppose both could be a throwback to Covid. The congestion (and cough) certainly is.

I have a stack of admin jobs building up! Tomorrow, after Art, maybe.

Today dawned miserable and continued that way all day culminating in an epic very heavy downpour.

We took H to Pangbourne which was not busy. Probably because everyone had read the weather forecast.

A lovely few days ahead.
H enjoyed her run around which was further than my watch recorded. It is recording strange goings on at the moment

The only people around were a a couple cruising the Thames for a couple of months. They had started in Droitwich but were from Tavistock. They warned me that cormorants are becoming a nuisance along rivers because they devastate fish stocks.

We then went to Vicars for fruit and veg etc- the contents of our fridge were a bit sparse. And H has doggy mince to relish. Important now she gets no brekkie sausages.
T downed Magnums x 2 for his lunch as well as a few grapes.
I fell asleep this afternoon, having forgotten to set my alarm. It was a longer sleep than I intended.

Tomorrow means an early out and about with H before Daycare and Art.

It’s good to be home. Travelling is getting tougher, as I explained to Tina.

I’ve just added two pieces of music that have struck me over the last few months – to my playlists- Farewell to Stromness by Maxwell Davies and Benedictus from the Armed Man by Carl Jenkins. The latter was to conserve peace at the end of the Kosovo War. The former to preserve the nature of the Orkneys in protest against construction of a uranium mine.

travels’ End… Food for thought. Not if I have my way. But for T maybe.

Thought for the Day






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