I had another really good sleep after the socialising last night, waking up as usual around 05.00. The family were in rooms at the other side of the hotel. But it being 05.00, that was irrelevant anyway.
Drifted in and out of sleep before making hot chocolate for T and coffee for me.
It was soon 07.30 – time to take H out. But I hit a problem because the door from our little alleyway through to the rest of the hotel was locked. So we were cut off. Isolated!
However, ever resourceful, I wandered past the Beauty Rooms up another alleyway, ( this hotel is full of little courtyards and alleyways, inside and out) and I found myself on the Main Street. So H and I wandered towards and round the large car park. And then we found a gate leading into the castle grounds and up to the secret garden. However it was muddy and the long grass was wet. Never mind the rain. So we did not linger there for too long but returned to the hotel.
T got himself up and showered and we met the family in the dining room for brekkie. That was a pleasant social occasion where we pretended to plan out the day. Loosely. With plans so loose that they quickly fell apart.
Hotel staff informed us where we could watch the Coronation, in addition to in our room, should we wish to. In the event, we sat in one of the outside small courtyards. We were protected from any remaining rain drops and Pen and I eventually left the group for a treat. A manicure and a pedicure and I had a hand and foot massage too. Just lovely. Thank you Pen. Lovely candle as well.
The others meanwhile had gone with H on a walking tour of Dunster and its surrounding fields. It seems Dave wasn’t where he thought he was, confusing Dunster with somewhere else more inland. So it was a voyage of exploration for everyone concerned.
We all reassembled to watch more of the coronation and to try and work out who Athena was. She turned out to be Penny Mordaunt, kitted out in teal and olive leaves. More becoming than some other outfits. The bits we saw were quite moving although I thought Charles looked pale and tired.
Lunch followed for those who did not eat enough at brekkie and then it was time for the Roberts to depart. I’m m ashamed to say, T and I took a snooze. By the time we woke up, the sun was shining and it was early evening.
It was lovely having the Roberts family to visit and to help with T. He has been very hard work… needing the loo… and had to be escorted…all the time… fussing endlessly over cups of coffee… constantly demanding… lack of understanding about anything. Impatience x10. I don’t think I will be going away with him much/ever in the future. Too much effort. I thought 3/4 days would be alright. But it really is not. When we go on a jaunt anywhere, he gets bored too quickly. It’s the same at home.
This evening, he absolutely insisted he would go to the loo and back on his own. Yeah right… as if…all the way from the residents’ lounge… there? And back again? He was not joking. He found his way there, but not back. I saw him moving in circles trying to work ‘it’ out. I rescued him. Unnecessary. He was not lost. So he said.
George has been busy with his Duke of Edinburgh’s award. The imposition of the road works at Streatley means F and G have to get their school bus earlier at 07.30 each day. Not great!

Thought for the Day

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