After a not very good night, I took H for a quick short walk so she could get her business done. Which she did.
No headache today but feeling very fatigued. I did about 10 minutes flexing, which is about all I can manage before I become a heap. Then the heap becomes a sleep. There is a lot of congestion around my nose and throat which is making me cough. I have felt really really wiped out all day.
And it was a busy day.
T got himself organised for his return to Daycare – for one day only – because we are off to Somerset for 4 nights tomorrow.
Art was a fair old disaster. It’s much harder looking at the real thing and trying to interpret and portray it. I made a ridiculous attempt at these beautiful flowers in the gardens around the barn. I am embarrassed.

I dragged myself and my shameful efforts home and ate some lunch. I thought I might as well have a piece of fish, since that is what everything tastes of these days.
Then, of course, my eyes felt heavy but I managed to resist. The choice was meeting T or snoozing and overlooking him. On balance, I decided to be wise and I went to pick him up.
It has been a beautiful sunny day. We are owed a bit more warmth but I will happily take what has been on offer today.
We had about half an hour at home before taking H to the vet for her kennel cough squirt up her nose. The vets seemed to be full of accidentally injured creatures. There was a dead ringer for Chris’ long departed Dave. This one was a female year old version. She had just been spayed. She was really cute.
By the time it was mid afternoon, I felt very knackered and very coughee. And all movement was unwelcome or painful.
Tomorrow morning will be busy. I had hoped to mow the grass today, but the very thought of it made me feel ill.
I don’t know what happened during the rest of the day. I was unconscious. Today was busy: tomorrow will be just as bad. I have just lost an hour due to taking F to the dentist and then school. I’ve to pack, sort various things, try and mow grass because it will rain after today.
Thought for the Day

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