Holiday Monday

A bit of an interrupted night, but, on balance, OK.
I spent a bit of time, both yesterday and today, catching up on ‘Colin from Accounts’. This is a Guardian recommended Australian comedy. It was fresh, gently amusing, featuring a hapless uncouple exploring how to deal with a dog on wheels. The wheels resulted from a nipple flash. I must remember never to do that as I cross a road, in case a dog gets run over.

The day had dawned quite pleasant. But the ‘quite’ put a brake on my desire to get out of bed. T had no intention of leaving it. I shall be glad when he is back in the routine of Daycare which gives him a reason to get up. Also, when he gets up mid-afternoon, it leaves him wanting to go out mid-evening. 20.00 – not my idea of a time to go out.

I have not watched the news, I have been in shut down for most of the day.

H and I walked at Pangbourne and regained possession of our log, as the blocking-the-view boat had moved in. Only two shags up the tree and lots of people and dogs out and about. H seemed quite happy to be back on her log, until the very white dog of yesterday joined us. We whiled away an hour or so out there before returning home.

Basildon Park is still closed for filming. Annoying. Nothing much else to report.

The coming week offers elections, return to Daycare, departure for Somerset, cleaners, return to Art. And time in the garden and house tidy. Never mind packing. Not really got time to do all that!

My Covid headache, which stayed away for most of today, returned with a vengeance this evening. I keep thinking I’ve seen the back of it. Then it ambushes me.
In fact, I’ve temporarily given up on sleep due to the constant throbbing. I’ve been massaging my forehead forever, I’ve now taken two doses of paracetamol. Maybe it will go away.

Just what I do not need!

Hot off the Press

But as of this morning (Tuesday) I am Covid negative and so is T. We shall celebrate with a snack out somewhere!
You win some, you lose some!

There is dastardly news of dastardly road closures due to dastardly gas works. More information tomorrow.

Thought for the Day






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