Each Day, recovery progress is better. A list of Arcturus Covid variant symptoms was published by our local CC. Only 120 cases in this country so far… but without the need to report, how can they know what is going on. Notable newer symptoms included congestion (huge tick) or runny nose; pink eye ( certainly had itchy eyes) ; muscular aches (big tick) loss of taste and smell (big tick); headache (big tick) fever, cough etc etc.
The day dawned fine and full of hope, weather wise but was a bit of a letdown in the end.
I took H down to Pangbourne, mainly because there are plenty of benches. There were plenty of people too, many of them engaged in a throatily aggressive football match. Their cars occupied the car park but I found the remaining spare space.

There are now so many boats about, there was not much point in occupying our log because any views were blocked by a big white boat. On this boat lived the whitest dog ever.
But we sat on a bench awhile soaking up the sights and sounds. H was constantly kept occupied by her need to greet all the passing dogs, offer them advice and return to sit down.
I headed for what was once the wonderful Rosebourne Garden Emporium at Aldermaston, and which has now been wrecked by Hilliers. It was probably my last visit. In order to buy a packet of biscuits or visit the restaurant, you now have to walk through the whole of the plant and garden section. They adopt the same approach at Hermitage. When on crutches, it used to infuriate me. It still does. They have reduced the specialist foods and I hear the cafe, which was brilliant pre-pandemic, now disappoints.
Things do not always change for the better!
We returned home and I fed T a small lunch which he ate. All of it.

It seems I’m not the only critic.
And what happened next? I think we know! Much later…
Further investigation has revealed the recently awarded attendance went up by £10.00 per week in April, so it is now over £100 per week.
Our first payment arrived on April 12 – had I bothered to look a a bank statement, I could have known long before 29 April that it had been awarded! Silly me!

Devon family have been luxuriating in a wonderful looking spa hotel in Dartmoor somewhere. A well earned break for Pen now her MA is done. Next week they will join us in Somerset for a night and a bit of beauty treatment. I think Dave and the girls will be in charge of T and H.
Ali, meanwhile, has taken Fleur and two local friends lambing.

And that is my weekend.
I can add – T has been drinking neat Ribena. And I think he is using my shower gel to wash mugs in the bathroom. He used a whole bottle up on something two days ago.
Thought for the Day

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