And immediately taketh away. And so it came to pass…
I was not expecting post today – I did not think we received Saturday post. But we did. The first letter I opened, because it was addressed to both of us, I thought might be about the attendance allowance. But no – it was to tell us our sewage charges have gone up 17%. So now we have to pay £450. It was around £300 when we moved in.
That was a bit of a takeaway. Thank you Lord. Not.
But letter number 2, redirected from BV informed us we will receive the attendance allowance, and at the higher rate. Around £92 per week. For which I am very grateful. I thought we would only get the lower rate of around £60.
With this allowance, we should also qualify for 25% off our cancel tax, we may get a blue badge and I will get an official carers’ card. This card will mean we can visit certain attractions where the carer goes free. The blue badge will help parking in places where T will get disorientated. It has to be applied for.
I spent an awful lot of the morning asleep, despite sleeping quite well last night. That’s the tale of this dose of Covid… fatigue … once you start to feel better. Then bang! It hits you in the face! About three benches along from where you started walking!
I took H out in the car. We did get out of it and walked as far as third bench from the start. Then I needed a rest. H and I sat and watched a family and friends game of rounders which became transcricket. They occupied a lot the Rec but it was good to see friends out together.

Once I arrived home, I turned my attention to updating the DWP to the fact that we had moved home over two years ago. Although all recent paperwork bears our new address, it seems that there is some overriding document lurking somewhere, that needs updating.
This is where Government Gateway and HMRC come into the equation. Someone had killed off my GG info and I needed to reregister, which took a little while and required all sorts of identity proof, codes etc etc. Then I had to go into HMRC to update the address which was not straightforward, but is now done. Long and tortuous procedures.
Next up, it was time for a chat with Brenda. I missed seeing the girls last week so it was good to have a chat. Her husband, in his care home had a bad dose of D and V. She suggested they test him for Covid, though they insisted they were Covid free. Not only were they not Covid free, but they found they had 8 other cases. It seems it is around and about!
T eventually arose late in the afternoon. He was actually erring on the side of the sensible. He had picked up a plateful of salad, which was awaiting jacket potatoes, and was eating it. Finishing it could be another story.
Thought for the Day

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